Red rose||Explore Feelings and Love|| most popular way to express your love

in Photography Lovers4 years ago (edited)

The rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of garden. They form a group of plants that can be erect shrubs. Yeh, Red roses have captured the minds and hearts of lovers across the globe for generations.

Red rose means big emotions

Bright red rose means "Romance and Love". Other words- Red roses are a beautiful way to convey your respect and love for anybody who has passed and can also represent courage and gratitude of any man.


Camera: Oppo A37fw mobile Original photo by me @ammar2


The flower by any other name may not have made the same impact, but in Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare wrote, || "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Juliet tells her true love in this moment that his name isn't what defines him. In the famous love story, their love defies the divisions of their families.||

My Identity

I am Ammar Hasnin. I live in Bangladesh. I am computer Engineer. I finished my B. Sc in cse 2018. I am a freelancer and also High school teacher. My school location is in Dhaka city.

I am really happy to get a platform where I can share my Photography and knowledge and also gather knowledge..I really enjoy it.

I am grateful to the older brothers who encouraged me to post pictures. I will always remember those who have helped me in various ways. they are @hafizullah and another @ashikstd. There are many more brothers whose names I can't remember right now. I thank everyone.

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