The Chrysanths a.k a The Mums are gorgeous #flowers beautifully crafted by Mother Nature in the most magnificent way.
My elder sister is an absolute #nature lover, much more than me. She always is into planting flower saplings and then curiously waiting for them to flower in the most marvelous manner.
This time I helped her plant Chrysanth saplings and that too on a much bigger scale.
We both planted them to eventually share couple of flowering pots amongst ourselves.
Besides, there were few others within the family who had earlier requested us, that whenever we plant Chrysanthsobligatory to please the genuinely good people around you. they too would love to have one or two #flower pots for their garden gazebo. They were even ready to pay for them, but when you have family relations it actually becomes
it all becomes absolutely worth every single minute spent there!Though me and my sister wonderfully manage our #garden and spend good amount of time in managing it, when tons of appreciation comes in...
The Chrysanthemums are unique composite flowers that most amazingly grow in variety of petal arrangements:
Some have a daisy like structure...
Some have round pompom like appearance...
Some bloom with quill like petals...
They all are so uniquely different yet the same
Chrysanths are usually/generally found all the year round, however the peak season is in... the summer & fall
Vast variety of stunningly gorgeous flowers with vivid and vibrant colours make them outstandingly beautiful. Red, yellow, white, purple, pink, maroon, cream, golden, green...and so on!!!
Chrysanths come in different sizes, that are usually ranging from 5cm to 8 cms in diameter. Some over grow these sizes for variety of reasons...such as climate, weather, manure, feed, pruning etc. There are indeed other varieties too!!!
The mums have a unique floral fragrance from sweet & floral scent
Quite interestingly...Chrysanthemums have been long associated as a symbol of love, life, and rebirth
There is no doubt in saying that Chrysanths... are one of the most widely used edible today's times, amazingly elevating & enhancing the colour, the texture, the dimension, & the flavour of several different culinary dishes & other delightful creations. It really works that way for many of the preparations.
Nature's own bouquet of Chrysanths for all the fabulous Hiveians. Enjoy watching them.
Hope you liked the captures and enjoyed watching them.
Thank you,
This post is for #sublimesunday initiated by @c0ff33a
This post is also for #beautifulsunday initiated by @ace108
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With lots of love❤
I've never seen the red ones. We also have Chrysanthemum to make tea but I don't think the red ones are used for tea so far.
Ohh! They all indeed look pretty beautiful and charming in it's true sense.
Never experimented on the tea making aspect with them, but curious now, will study on this for sure. Would surely like to taste Chrysanthemum Tea.
Thank you so much!!@ace108
Best Regards.
the appearance of the flowers is very beautiful, the color variations are pleasing to look at at any time.
Thank you so much, glad you liked my Chrysanths pictures.