Tour to the Casa de las carretas in the city of Los Teques.

Hello my dear friends of hive!

Today I want to share with you some pictures I took in one of the most representative and historical places of the city of Los Teques.

I am talking about "La casa de las carretas" (The house of the carts).

A beautiful place, which also has a great history. A beautiful place, which also has a great history.

This great place has more than 120 years of history approximately, in those years it was created to be a transport company. In which they used wagons to move different things: food, tools, among others. These wagons were sold about 120 years ago.

These carts were sold many years ago but this majestic place was left as a cultural museum where you can find different exhibits, from rooms set in the old times, bottles of all kinds, typewriters from more than 100 years ago.

The house is currently run by Mr. Alejandro Caputto who is a direct descendant of the original owners of the house, he took care of us in a very kind way and gave us this great tour.

Truly it was an amazing experience and taught me a little more about my beautiful city. I leave you with the pictures and see you in a future post.














Beautiful, great work!

But your post loads very long. Consider the idea of uploading smaller images. I personally upload pictures with a 1250px width for horizontal images.

Thank you brother. I'm glad you liked them. And thanks for the advice I'll take it into account thank you.