I have selected you for my Hive Master Race Breeding program on @ddate make a post in our community about your relationship to inspire others http://ddate.cloud ($DATE will be moved from STEEM to HIVE when @cryptomancer isnt busy lol ) and its also on stem and TLOS and traded on https://telos.alcor.exchange
The DDATE smart contracts will allow for things like open source dating and marriage and family planning smart contracts
you and youre super cool gf can take as much time as you want to play family and pregnancy all with the blockchain, getting upvotes to pay for everything :)
Marriage needs to be something that is on a blockchain rather than tied to some sort of legal contract that makes it an absolute chore to reverse. Getting married or divorced needs to be as simple as changing a relationship status on FB is now. Then also set up an automatic transfer to happen when we die so that nobody can rob our offspring of their inheritance.