
I do understand what your saying but I need to make a couple of points

My photos are not quick snaps with my phone they are shots I have taken with my Sony camera on almost daily walks around the area
I then spend quite a bit of time choosing which photos to edit and editing them at a minimum 10 minutes per photo

And I generally do add my thoughts about the area and the photos

I also spend a lot of time visiting and commenting on posts as well as replying to comments which perhaps is a factor why some may have me on auto vote.

I feel the votes on my posts are related to the time I have put into the community interacting with people and also to in part people enjoying the quality of the photos I share.

I thought the downvotes you are giving my posts were related to upvotes from a couple of the big accounts of one person you were not happy with their voting practices on trending posts

But from this comment of yours it appears it is more related you feel my posts are not worthy of people voting on which of course your entitled to feel

I do fully agree with the concept of downvotes to penalize plagiarism and spam

but I feel now in this case it’s more you feeling you know what a post is worth and over riding votes of others which of course is your right to do and I respect that

Thanks for your feedback and have a good day

It's about fair rewards, there are plenty of other people putting in the same amount of activity and even more onto their posts and they're not getting the same rewards. It would go a long way if you realized that and forfeited part of the rewards to something beneficial to a community or something, but since you're not and since each time I've downvoted you've either asked me or others why I can't but feel you're just attempting to maximize it at any cost.

I can't even open your photos in a good resolution, I tried both on peakd and Are you uploading them as jpg or something?

Take a look at this post for instance, now of course I'm a bit biased cause I know her well and everything she does to bring value to Hive, aside from being active and engaging on Hive:

She's not even posting for that daily guaranteed vote.

Why does that post not deserve the same if not more rewards than this? Or would you agree that it would be fair to pull down the rewards on yours a bit to match the others, considering literally all your posts get voted by one of the biggest abusers in the history of this chain.

You're being overrewarded in my opinion, simple as that. With Hive going up more and more we will start to notice more posts getting above that threshold and downvotes will be a perfect solution to it.