Glowing Without the Gimmicks

in The MINIMALIST5 months ago

The area of skincare is where my minimalism truly shines through. I absolutely refuse to get caught up in the whirlwind of capitalism and overconsumption.

While I agree that skincare is one of the best and most rewarding areas where we could invest our resources—I mean, the results speak for themselves—I did swear that I would not be the person that bought the latest shiny trending product on social media.

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I mean, these things are expensive! I best believe that if I buy a product, I am using it until I can see the bottom of the bottle. I don’t care if it works or not; it must finish.

When I initially became curious about skincare, I searched the internet for a straight and simple formula I could use. I wanted to get three or four products max. But I kept coming across videos where girls would whip out baskets of products; I didn’t want that.

So I consulted my sister😊✨. Thank God I had her, because if not for her, I would have given up on skincare altogether. She is the opposite of me; when it comes to skincare, she’s obsessed. Walking into a skincare product store for her is like walking into a candy store as a child. She becomes excited.

So I told her my issues and had her recommend things for me. And she did; she even bought them for me as well. I mean, I paid for them, but she did the market run😅. That day, I ended up spending twenty-two thousand naira on these products😪—just in case you were wondering, I was not okay after paying!

She kept reassuring me that the money was worth it and that within a week I would be happy I did it. I bought Simple face hydrating moisturizer, cotton pads, glycolic acid, and sunscreen. And she helped me create a routine too.

So basically in the mornings, I bathe and wash my face with my body soap, then I apply salicylic acid to my face (she gifted me the salicylic acid) with the cotton pads. After this, I apply my moisturizer and then my sunscreen. I also apply deodorant and my Nivea cocoa body lotion as well.

I try not to use the salicylic acid every morning because it has a drying effect but it helps with my pimples.

At night, I wash and dry my face; I put some glycolic acid onto the cotton pad and apply generously on my face, avoiding my eyes and lips. I then let it dry and apply my face moisturizer, and that’s it.

I use the glycolic acid twice a week, for now. As time goes on, I will use it more frequently. Apparently it helps brighten the skin and correct dark spots. And glycolic acid is to be used only at night.

I do not apply body cream and deodorant at night because the cream will make me sweat, and I figured that since deodorants aren’t exactly healthy to use, there is no need for them at night. It’s not like I do anything strenuous while sleeping that will cause me to sweat.

Oh, and I apply my Vaseline on my feet. I don’t like to use body cream on my feet because it dries out quickly. So Vaseline keeps them moisturized for longer. It’s also a good substitute for lip balm. I use it every day.

And that is it, my simple care routine!

Thanks for Reading🤗🤗

Images used are mine...


I appreciate your effort, however, what you do is a form of loving yourself. Cool! Keep it up!

Thank you so much Titis🤗
It is a form of self love, I agree

 5 months ago  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

Thank you 😌
I wish you a great week ahead 🤗

Simple does the job you know? Ohh, there's actually a skincare brand simple😂. I mean simplicity. Simplicity does the job. The amount of skincare products in this country is outrageous. If not for it makes me happy and the glow that comes with it, what is shea butter of 200naira?😂

Do you understand 😂😂
If it wasn't so important, I would have just stuck to my body cream and vaseline oo😅

Thanks for reading my work dear🤗

Well it’s good you found what was good for you and it didn’t have to be a lot 😊😊

I know right?
Even though they were quite pricey.

Thanks for stopping Dear

You’re welcome

You had someone who could recommend something proper for you and that's a gem right there. Lucky you.😊

Thank you

I was lucky indeed🤗

just in case you were wondering, I was not okay after paying!

I can understand you here. Lol. I won't feel okay too but knowing what you paid for was worth it, then, all good. I love it simple when it comes to skincare products and applying them on you.

I wasn't okay oo😅 But it was definitely worth is cos I'm beginning to results now..

Thanks for stopping by Princess🤗