Decluttering My Space

in The MINIMALIST5 months ago

I had to read about the traveling light prompt over and over again. At first, I wanted to talk about my travels. Then I realized I do not travel much. It’s always from home to school. But then when I read about what the traveling light entails, I realized that we could talk about something other than regular traveling, more like packing your luggage and going for a travel experience or how you pack.


When it comes to life, I feel everyone experiences it in different ways. I have come to experience life in a way that when I was little, I thought life was a fairy tale. If there is one thing I battle with is the sole act of inconsistency. I have even realized that in school I am inconsistent. I always feel like I have lots of things to do. At the end of the day, I end up doing nothing. Getting busy for nothing and this had resulted in the act of inconsistency.

Most times, I wake up and tell myself that I could multitask and then I try juggling between lots of things, I just end up messing everything up and have. I find it difficult to create a routine. Sometimes even when I try to create a routine, I just end up messing things up because I always feel like I have a lot of work to do and then I end up not being consistent with it at all.


I even had to pick up a job even as a student and honestly, it wasn’t easy for me, I had to achieve lots of things alongside achieving a good result in school which wasn’t even working out well for me. It felt like I was missing out on the most important aspect of my life that I should be focused on.

Early this year, I made up my mind to work it out. It was difficult for me, I kept on going back to being inconsistent. Most times my friends would want to know what I am always busy with so I miss out on some important things. But when I look back I realize that my reading table is always filled up but then not with things that are important to me at the moment.

Being a minimalist, I made up my mind to amend this lifestyle cause it felt like I was carrying a burden on myself. I had to draw out a schedule. I had to fix my things in an order of priorities, which is more important to me as a student. It’s been difficult doing this, but when I first put this into practice, I was made to realize that it felt better. I was able to work on certain things that are important and not get busy and then I am busy doing nothing.


I also had to quit my part time job and focus more on my school. I had to ensure that I was focused and consistent with a few things and not get myself involved in so many things. Dropping the burden of multitasking and having so much workload, has helped me in traveling light in my life journey. I get to focus and achieve a good result with consistency.

All images used are mine
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 5 months ago  


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