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RE: Work Smarter, Not Harder!

Sometimes it is that we worry over aspects of the future that will likely never come to pass.

This was me some years ago and looking back now, those things I worried about never happened.

I filled the cups of others with a background hope that my cup would be filled by another person's hands.

This is many people's expectations including me until I know better. I don't need to ignore my needs to take care of someone. They say if you don't have it, you can't give it. I've learnt to watch out for myself, treat myself nicely and understand that we cannot please everyone, no, one would just keep getting disappointed all the time and that's not good.

 3 months ago  

Well said! Especially because:

one would just keep getting disappointed all the time

By managing our expectations and just doing what we can for ourselves, I think life become much more enjoyable. When I stopped waiting for others to do XYZ, I found so much freedom! I'm glad you've had the same sort of positive experience with letting go of expectations 🤗