Tiny House Dreams (KISS topic #1 for The Minimalist community)

in The MINIMALIST3 years ago

This week's KISS (Keep It Simple and Smart) topic is about off grid living, and topic one is your dreams of doing so, if you haven't managed to get there yet.

Oh yes, I have dreams. LOL

I've dreamed of a tiny house for probably 20 years now. But finances, for the most part, have prevented me from doing so yet (ironically, since you can save money once you're in one). Back in the day you couldn't finance a tiny, and by the time that was a thing, my credit was in the toilet (it used to be really good), so I would either never get approved or be paying extortionist interest rates. I think my credit score is "average" now, but my income is not steady so I still wouldn't be approved (the magic of "I can pay rent that is more than the mortgage would be but can't be approved for the mortgage," ahh, capitalism).

But ya know what, that's okay, because it has given me time to learn to purge stuff (#ReformedHoarder), and to learn a lot.

A few years back I was SUPER BLESSED to get to go to a tiny house building workshop put on by Tumbleweed Tiny Homes! I literally won the ticket - it normally costs hundreds - so I was SO EXCITED!!!

They had a tiny there on the second day we got to check out:

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I really loved this house

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It had a loft and also a second bedroom in the back; if this were my house I would make the downstairs bedroom my workspace instead and put a desk and my bookshelves in there. That's a washer-dryer-in-one under the counter, and a medium-size mini fridge under the stairs on the right of the hallway.

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The loft was really big; that's a queen size bed and there was a good four or five feet at the foot of it where you could put clothing trunks or shelves or a dog bed or whatever you wanted

tiny 4.jpg

I love the plain wood walls in tiny homes like this. I would make some modifications of course to make it my own, but generally I really like the style.

One of the things I'd like to do is to make a bottlecap floor for part of it - maybe the kitchen or the bathroom. I have been saving all my bottlecaps for years. Yeeaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrsssssss, lol. I have a shoebox full after all those years. A few years ago I decided to see how far that got me (I have more than this now, but not by a lot) and just made a pattern on the kitchen floor to see:

bottlecaps 1.jpg
Yuan helps by modeling the floor

The vast majority of those caps are from ginger ale because I drink a lot of that, lol. But there are some other sodas there, too. I don't drink alcohol, so it's only soda caps.

I would also of course make cat shelves for Yuan in the house, maybe circling around the living/kitchen area and connecting the bed loft with the storage loft (assuming I did a similar design to the house I toured, which had a big bed loft but then a smaller storage loft on the other end of the house).

I have learned from other people's experiences as well, as I belong to a tiny house group on fb. The little wood-burning fireplace I originally wanted (that was very expensive, but supposedly it was The Best), apparently is NOT the best, and gets pretty terrible reviews now that it's been out a while. So I would probably get a different one now. I would get a mini-split too, but I am an extra-cold person so I figure on cold nights the mini-split might not be enough and I would want the fireplace. Plus also, I just like having a wood burning fireplace for when electric is out - and heating with electric is expensive to boot, though I think mini-splits are fairly efficient. Solar panels of course are something I would like, and if I was able, maybe a mini wind turbine so that I could get all my electricity clean and off-grid. I have also heard enough horror stories about composting toilets having problems and replacement parts taking months to arrive (even before the current supply chain issues), that I think I would rather do a simple bucket compost system if I wasn't hooked up to plumbing; though I would rather be hooked up to plumbing. I just do not have the physical oomph to carry all that water; my chronic illness would be flaring.

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I embroidered this pillow several years ago, too. :)

I think I would just do a small washer and not a washer-dryer-in-one; those who have them say the drying cycle takes HOURS and frankly, I hang up my clothes to dry half the time anyway even with a dryer in my apartment. Also, I think a good size fridge for me is a medium size one - bigger than a mini fridge, but smaller than your typical US fridge (which tend to be pretty large, if you've never encountered one; people from other countries often come to the US and comment on the size of our fridges, so I think the size I want is probably the more common size in other countries. Here I think it might be called an "apartment fridge," though the fridge in my current apartment is a regular large US fridge).

I would also love to fit a sitting tub in there - sitting tubs a) would take up less floor space and b) can fit your whole body, lol. Most US tubs are long and small, so either you can have your legs and butt under water but the water doesn't get any higher than your waist, or you can lay down but then most of your legs are out of the water if you want to get your torso all the way wet. It's a thing that we all complain about and why we envy rich people with large houses who have giant tubs. LOL. And I'm short! Sitting tubs are almost nonexistent here but you can order one from a specialty catalog. I call those catalogs "bathtub porn." 😂

I also love cob houses and earthships, but I know I don't have the physicality to build one, even with help. Again, chronic illness strikes. But with a tiny on wheels, I could get a builder to do most of the hard/big/heavy building, and then take my time doing my little personalizing projects like the bottlecap floor (though if I DID have a cob house, I would totally make it round!).

I think also, I like the idea that this other builder I follow on social media but whose name is escaping me right now - has. They put a regular size door on the side of the house, rather than a skinny door on the narrow end (as the Tumbleweed house in the photos has). I like that, because then moving furniture or hauling groceries or if a friend is in a wheelchair, etc. becomes doable, whereas a wheelchair and certain furniture would never fit through a skinny door, and eventually you have to replace appliances and stuff. And since I don't drive, I haul groceries on a wheelie cart and I'm not sure if that could fit through a skinny door either. Plus you can put a ramp if it's on the long end and not just stairs - good for my wheelie cart and my friends in wheelchairs!

So there are my tiny house dreams. :) One day maybe I will get one!

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Lovely to see your tiny house dreams again, I remember when I first read your posts about them 😍. I went to see a friend in a marina a few weeks ago and there was a boat sitting on the bank with what looked a tiny house sitting on top of it 😂. I thought about taking a photo (you were in my mind), but there were so many other things going on, I got distracted and forgot about it.

Where would be your ideal place for your tiny house? Do you have parks for them, like we have caravan and mobile home parks? We have regulations here about where you can park campers and caravans, I guess it would be the same for tiny houses.

I had a look at tiny houses that are available here. They're being promoted as additional to conventional housing, like if you needed extra space or a guest room. I like the one that you show, especially with the extra room, whether a bedroom or study. Did it have a staircase or a ladder to the bedroom? The models I looked at had quite elaborate bathrooms, compared to the rest of the accommodation 😂.

The "where to park it" is indeed a problem here. Some places are slowly becoming more tiny-friendly, but usually as an ADU like you mention (Accessory Dwelling Unit, like a mother-in-law house or a Airbnb type thing in a backyard of a regular house). There are trailer parks but a) often they don't allow tinys!! b) they are hellaciously exploitative and not a good place to be and c) they usually only exist in the worst neighborhoods and/or in tornado alley.
In other parts of the state, even in the boonies, there are minimum size restrictions (of 675 sq ft I think), or rules that would count a tiny on wheels as "camping" and you are only allowed to "camp," even on your own property, in one place for six months out of the year. Really.
So, that's the other hurdle besides finances. Some people are setting up tiny communities, but they are few and far between - far more demand than supply.
Because ya know, how DARE you not want to live in a giant McMansion with 2000 sq ft+!!! It's just un-American! ;)

The one here had a staircase, but I actually would choose a different design. They made the steps normal height vertically, but only half as wide horizontally toe-to-heel, so that your heels didn't touch the stair. That's just asking for an accident, imo. I would rather they be twice as tall but normal width, or something. I understand they were trying to conserve space, and some tiny stairs get reeeeeally creative, but this one I would change.

It seems your regulations are almost as restrictive as the UK and a similar focus on land/property ownership. Like the UK, it seems like a community of like-minded tiny house owners would have to get together and get some land to have a place to be - but even then, that would count as camping? Although that would only work if you wanted a static life-style.

One of the promotions of tiny houses is as student accommodation and, again, I wonder where the houses are parked. Lots of parents do buy small bricks-and-mortar houses (Leicester has an abundance of only-just-larger-than-a-tiny-house terraced houses originally built for factory workers coming into the cities after land enclosures). I can imagine that university and local authorities, especially with the latest Police and Crime Bill going through parliament, would see tiny houses as a problem (actually, the universities are among the largest land-owners, building high-rise student village accommodation).

I would struggle with a ladder, especially if I was carrying anything like a cup of tea. One model had a staircase with deeper steps although not very wide and no hand rail. The space underneath was divided into storage spaces, quite well done, I thought.

If you can get the city to modify the laws, it wouldn't count as camping. Like we did finally get an ADU law passed in Denver, and we do have two tiny house villages that were made for homeless folks, but those villages are not permanent because they don't own the land, so they've had to move a couple of times as the landowner let them use an empty parking lot or something for a while but then Denver is gentrifying rapidly so a developer bought it and wanted to build there. I'm thinking that perhaps we would be able to build a permanent tiny house village if we had land because of that, but it's also possible the city just made an exception for them because of how much homelessness we have here.
To be clear, I am currently enjoying my new apartment. :) They layout is quite nice. But being able to modify to your own style would be cool. For instance, I might do the bottlecap floor on the balcony, if I owned my apartment instead of rented.

I understand - I'm just curious about how it works 😍.


Hey, thanks 😍

That's a really nice little place :) ... But instead of a fireplace, go for a wood stove, even if you get one with a glass in front. You can always sit with it open if you want, and for heating it would be a LOT more effective, and cheaper.


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Oh yeah I'm calling it a "fireplace," but it's enclosed. The one I would probably get now is like one of these: https://cubicminiwoodstoves.com/

Oh, that is nice!!! You could practically heat that little place for free, especially if you use tightly rolled cardboard, which doesn't cost a penny. Stores are thrilled to have their packing boxes hauled off.

Right? Also just what most people wouldn't consider collecting for firewood, but like, if a neighbor trims a tree, I would want the little cut off bits rather than the big honkin' logs. I bet a lot of people would be happy for you to come haul off their trimmings and then they don't have to deal with it, especially in the city.

Definitely, but the cardboard is a never ending supply, and it's lightweight and easy to roll up real tight and toss in the stove :) With trimmings, you might not always get them whenever you want, but they're great to grab when available. As for the logs, you would need to invest in a log splitter, unless you can find someone interested in splitting them for you.


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This post was obtained through Dreemport.That is a beautiful little house @phoenixwren, I can see why you would want something on that order. I could actually get into going off grid with something like that. Excellent subject, and perfect timing for the conditions today.

The key to a good tiny house, imo, is the design. If it's designed well to use the space wisely then it really works! :)

You called it Tiny, why it has so many things that we can either say it is big, it is a pretty living house to me.

Can you really make a floor of bottle cap? that could be pretty much awesome too.

Brought to you by @dreemport.

It's considered tiny because it's about 250 sq ft/23 sq meters, not counting the loft. Most places where if you're going to build a house here there are minimum size requirements of around 675 sq ft /63 sq m, so anything below that is considered a "tiny house," and you run into a lot of trouble with regulations about where you can have one.

A bottle cap floor you can make with clear resin! It looks really cool, like this:


Wow! The bottle cap design is Nice.

Thank you for the enlightenment.

Your house is beautiful!! Is so so cute!!

It's not mine yet, just a dream at this point. :)

 3 years ago  

Oh, and my apology for not mentioning your cute embroidered pillow.
That's special😊👏.
Laying your head down to sleep on your dream!

I had to do the Genie quote. :D

 3 years ago  


Realmente es muy linda la casa ....

¡Yo también lo creo!

That's a cute little house there. I'd totally love that small space. It's so beautiful 🥰.

I know, I walked in and I was like ...okay, I can have this, right?? :D

You totally can! I'd love to attend the house warming party 🤭

I've seen discussions about "how many people can you fit in a tiny house for a party" before... 😂

Hahaha! We could use the outer space 🤭 or maybe I could squeeze myself amongst the chosen few🤣


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All your plan seems to be lovely with all those details based on your concept ... and this one pic has a pretty interior. I like the kitchen area, it´s a good working kitchen for a tiny space.

I am in the process of building a cabin and I have been looking for designs in the web. It´s got to be max . 30 sqm and I have a plan similar to the pic you posted. I already bought the land near a coastal area of about 1 km away to the beach ( from my crypto earnings). Right now, I had it fenced and the gate has been constructed too. All I need now is to finance the building.
The land is located in a coconut farm in the Philippines owned by the father of my sis in-law. I convinced him to sell a piece of his farm for me to build a cabin so we have something to dwell when we visit the farm and eventually go beachin...Cheers to your plans of atiny house, hope you´ll get it soon! A coffee is underway.... Happy weekend my friend!

BEERHey @mers, here is a little bit of from @phoenixwren for you. Enjoy it!

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Thank you so much.

Wow, that's so cool that you were able to buy some land from your crypto earnings, congrats!! I hope your building goes well! :)

Hey, thanks so much for the ko-fi! :)

You are welcome! Thanks for the beer. Have a nice evening.

 3 years ago  

small KISS Gif.gif

Thanks for your "True Love" #KISS! I felt your passion. 😉

lips sealed
speaking lips

 3 years ago  

That's one of the cutest small houses I've ever seen. It's so nicely laid out and light and airy. What more would one want really? You've made me want to look into "tiny house groups" just out of curiosity and fascination.
Her concerns about the compost toilet are legitimate. As you've mentioned they have different kinds though.
Your bottle cap floor idea is brilliant. I've never heard of it before, but when I look online, the effect looks very mosiac...so maybe I didn't realise the differences.
I hope your illnesses does not hinder your every day life constantly.
I'm happy you decided to share this dream with us:))))Hello @phoenixwren,

On fb the one I'm in is called "tiny house people," if you're interested! :)
Another cool floor that people do is penny floors! They look really pretty with the copper color.
Thanks for stopping by!

 3 years ago  

Oh, I appreciate this info. I'll check out that FB group for sure :)))
Have a lovely day!
Thanks for the LUV 😍

Dreamy One😍

Congrats dear🎉

It's not mine yet, just a dream. :)

Hope your dream comes true very soon🤞

I really love this house. It's perfect for a clingy partner like me.

Now that you mention the size of US bathtubs, I'm starting to remember how I always think the bathtubs in movies are too small for adults. So it's actually a thing 😃

It is!! I don't know why they don't just make them taller? It could fit in the same space but have higher sides, but NO, short little tubs are the norm. 😂

Fantastic! Like you, I also love minimalism although I'm not sure if I could survive in a tiny house. I love the idea, but when I'm in a small place, I want more space!! argh!

I was in Poland and they have these sit down tubs you mean and somehow the people shower sitting down. I still didn't manage to figure this out yet. But I'm just weird! lol

Thanks for a great article.

Ha ha ha, that's understandable. I myself love small spaces but also I like that my current apartment is a more open design. What I don't like is too-big spaces, lol.

Hi silly question.

What is chronic sickness? Is that when one smokes too many blunts and gets sick?

No, it's any illness that is chronic, long term. As in, something you are stuck with, and not like a flu where you get better.

ahh like a disease. ok thank you.

Tiny houses are awesome. I proudly live in one for nearly 5 years. like being a land sailor.

Ooh you should join the weekly post, it ends tomorrow! I'm sure everyone would love to hear from someone living the life.

I am afraid I will not have time at that moment.
I do have a post in mind telling my 5 years offgrid life, coming soon ; )

I tried a sitting tub once in a really old house that turned into a b&b, it had a hand shower so I can imagine it fitting well in a tiny home.Hello @phoenixwren, that's a beautiful tiny home. I have only ever seen it in the shows but not yet in real life. Your bottle caps floor pattern is a cool idea!

Oh yeah totally with a hand shower, it would be so awesome! Cool that you got to try one!

Thanks for sharing. I'm sure soon you'll get one similar for yourself, if not even better.
I like the idea of having a tiny house, but maybe as second place, not the only one. What would be even better is to actually build one. I've seen online people doing it and their thrill after finishing is so inspirational and to be able to use it and spend quality time time in tiny house you have built yourself is good dream to pursuit, imo. Best.

Yeah and the customizations people do when building it themselves are often really cool!


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