Still waiting on the SS flue to come in the mail for my metal stove I made from metal cookie sheets...
I thought I'd head out to the hot tent teepee and experiment with a traditional rock fire pit on the floor and a piece of muffler pipe to draw in air...
come along for the journey
Hello @nomadicjourney
We are delighted that you have discovered the community, and we look forward to seeing you around:)
I trust that you have seen our Introduction, Content Ideas & Posting Guidelines, which could be a great tool for the inspiration of content.
You've already discovered our weekly publication called #KISS (an acronym for our community motto, Keep It Simple & Smart), which presents you with blog ideas for the week, to boost community activities.
Please be sure to cite all sources for the information presented.
See you around:) A #KISS publication is always pinned on the community's feed, where you can find the active week, however, you are free to present any minimalist-focused post at any time, as long as it is original content.
Hello @nomadicjourney
I trust you had as much fun composing this interesting video, as I did from watching it. You seem to be a minimalist at heart, so I'm happy that you found your way to The Minimalist community.
I also took a look at your introduction post, and I learned that you're an avid outdoor kind of guy, so I'll use this opportunity to introduce you to the Outdoors and more community. I think you'll feel at home there:)
For this community, be sure to check out the #KISS Blogging Ideas that's pinned in the community, and also our Daily theme for blogging ideas.
See you around:)