The Joy of Simplicity: Embracing a Minimalist Lifestyle

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago


Good evening everyone here
How was your day? Hope we all had a blessed day.
This is my first time writing in this community and I'm really happy I found it

You might wonder where and how I derived my topic from.
Well, when I saw minimalist community,I had to browse the meaning of minimalist and i found out that it means living a simple life free of worries.
That's how I derrived my topic from.

"The joy of simplicity is something that can be hard to describe, but once you experience it, you'll understand why it's so.
It is something that i have done all the days of my life and I have had several results. Ranging from Living with less problems, less distractions, and focusing more on the present moment which is the future.

When you remove the excess from your life, you can better appreciate the simple pleasures that often go without you noticing.

Why Simplicity
Simplicity is not all about living a free life less of worries, It's a wide concept that talks about the idea of finding contentment and fulfillment in life while letting go of the excess. It's about recognizing and that happiness lives and resides in the uncomplicated aspects of life.

Minimalist Joy
The easiest way to embrace simplicity is through minimalism. Minimalists deliberately bring down their possessions, storing only what adds values and meaning to their lives. Through this minimalist lifestyle, it helps in eliminating the unnecessary things from our lives, it creates spaces in our lives individually both physical and mental, for the things that really matters.

Now, in everything we do in life there are benefits we are deriving from them. There are benefits I'm deriving for living a simple life.

Less stress and anxiety
Once you live a simple life, it reduces too much stress automatically because you have less or nothing to worry about.
Simplicity allows you to focus on the present moment of your life, making you live a comfortable and peaceful life with less worries.
Improve relationship with friends and family
When you live a simple life,it will help you build strong relationships with people. It gives you more time to learn and study about people especially to people who matters most to you.

More gratitude and appreciation for the simple things in life
When you live a simple life,you will always appreciate the little simple things you have.
We don't need to have to much before we show gratitude. A simple heart learns to appreciate at every given stage of their lives.

"Learn to Say No when necessary*
Saying no to unnecessary things that doesn't matters helps to simplify your life.Yes, you are living a simple life doesn't mean they should take your simplicity for foolishness. Simplicity allows you to put your time and energy to the things that truly matter to you.Is not Everytime that you need to please everyone.

More space in your homes and minds
There is nothing sweet in mind like creating space in your minds, that burdens, grudges and everything. When you live a simple life you won't have time to carry people or bear grudges in your minds. That joy you deriving from a free mind is all that matters.

More freedom to pursue your passions and interest in life
It gives us more time to think about our passions and interest in life, what really matters to us in life, what our priorities are, the things we love.
Living a simple life helps us to determine and finds out our purpose in life.

in conclusion,

The joy of simplicity is in the freedom it offers to us, the freedom to live with your values,freedom from excessive materialism, and freedom from the troubles and problems of modern life. By embracing simplicity, we can discover the beauty of living a contented life in a world like this.
Let's learn to live a life of simplicity.
There's a lot of joy you will derive from there.

Thank you for reading.
Mmenyene cares❣️

 2 years ago  

Minimalist Cover Gif-7.jpg

Thank you so much, I really appreciate

 2 years ago  

You're very welcome:)