Hello, MINIMALIST Community!
Today, we come to you with great news. This announcement has been long in the making, so we'll cut to the chase - we have loved witnessing this community grow and develop over the years, and we're thrilled to announce that as of right now, our beloved MINIMALIST is part of the OCD Incubation Program.
What is the OCD Incubation Program?
Many of you will be familiar with the OCD curation project as one of the biggest of its kind on the blockchain. Basically, what the OCD Incubation Program does is it recognizes the value of communities as cradles for connection and growth.
Since its inception, OCD curation has been focused on helping talented and under-rewarded authors who were writing consistently on Hive, and making it a better place to be. The core idea here being that the nicer the place is for the individual, the stronger the collective. And the stronger the collective, the more chances we have of onboarding new people into what we know to be the best (and probably only) healthy social media out there.
The OCD Incubation Program is all about empowering promising communities. They look for communities where authors are engaging consistently and putting out high value content on a regular basis. Attentive curators sift through said content and do what they can to direct rewards towards the talented, dedicated authors who need them the most.
For us, in the MINIMALIST community, it means that from now on, we'll have a team of curators permanently on the look-out for those posts that really transcend the ordinary and show up with that special extra something.
What the OCD Incubation Program is Not
While we think it should go without saying, we figure it's worth setting down a few ground rules for this new stage in the MINIMALIST journey. Now that our beloved community is part of the incubation program, we do not want to see any:
- Fishing for Rewards - We all want to put our best foot forward when we know somebody's looking, but trying to pose in order to get a specific outcome is just embarrassing. So please don't try to milk a subject to grift rewards from the team. Needless to say, it won't fly, and will end up giving your fellow minimalists a bad name.
- Fake News - Isn't the Internet full of that, already? The MINIMALIST is and has always been a community for authentic, practicing minimalists to share their journeys, struggles and experiences in order to connect with and maybe help others on this path. The Incubation Program shouldn't serve as an excuse for you to make up or steal someone else's minimalist stories.
- AI-Generated and Low-Effort Content - We get it, we all look to Hive hoping it's gonna be the dark horse that turns our lives around. And it can be. Provided we all dedicate a certain time and effort to the content we put out. So please, no AI-generated stories. We know. We can tell. And again, it looks cheap. We're minimalists, we may at times be thrifty, but we're not cheap. And please, no low-effort posts, either. As the old adage reminds us, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.
Essentially, we just want to remind everyone that with the MINIMALIST now a part of the OCD Incubation Program, it doesn't mean there's a bunch of curators sitting on the side of the road with fistfuls of cash they want to disperse. It's a team effort to promote and encourage high quality content. We believe that's worth rewarding. If you believe so too, now's your time to shine.
Which brings us to the big closer...
What This Means For You
You may be wondering how today's announcement might change your experience writing in the MINIMALIST community. It shouldn't. As long as until now, you've been taking time and care to craft genuine, truthful and high-end posts relating to your minimalist practice, that needn't change.
On the contrary, what this means is that **this is your time to give it your best shot. Show the larger Hive community (because yes, being part of the OCD Incubation Program does open us up to the broader Hive-sphere) why being a minimalist rocks. How it's influenced your life for the better, why it's worth writing (and reading) about.
We are super excited to step into this new stage of the MINIMALIST initiative. We hope it's going to be a launching pad towards growth, more engagement, all that good stuff that hypes us about the blockchain in the first place. Now, the OCD team has shown faith in taking us on, a faith that we share, and if you do too, if you think the MINIMALIST is a community worth knowing about, then we look forward to sharing this new era of it with you.
Since you're here... please have a look at the community rules. We take them quite seriously indeed, and expect you to do the same.
Looking forward to this new beginning,
The photos used in this post belong to @millycf1976 and @honeydue.
Wow, this is a huge announcement and a big one for the community. I am excited but not completely surprised because the community is doing a fantastic job, from the members to the moderators, and this is just the beginning of the awesome things that are bound to happen in a community like this.
Whenever I look around, I see genuine and quality content in the community, not to mention the moderator, who lays great examples as guidance.
I am happy to have a place to share my journey as a minimalist, and I believe a lot of members feel the same way too. Cheers to the good news.
Hi, George. Thank you for the kind words <3 Yes, we're super excited, too and feel it's high time.
We are actually working on an interview series to launch soon. I was wondering if you'd be interested in talking more about that on Discord? I'm honeydue8397. Cheers!
This is an interesting one, I saw the interview with Mr. Professor and really love the initiative.
Sorry for the late response, I just sent the friend request.
Same name with my Hive username, happy weekend to you.
Thank you for your thoughtful and kind comment, George.
It feels like a great achievement so far with the community, and I think the timing is perfect:)))
This is a great news and such an amazing one for the Minimalist family. It's been a long ride with amazing content from different authors and it's deserving that the incubation program has decided to partner with this wonderful community.
We, as members, will keep doing our best to showcase our most authentic selves via this community. Looking forward to more greatness, originality and authenticity. All the best to us.🌺
Looking forward to your wonderful contributions, as always. Thank you! <3
Thank you for your lovely comment.
I'm looking forward to many more projects and activities, and I'm happy with the expansion on all levels:)))
Wow, this is a great development!!
I am excited to see it all unfold! I believe this is a great match and with the incubation, more genuine minimalists can get rewarded for being ourselves and doing what we love.
This can also be influential to Hive in general as well. Hopefully more people can be touched reevaluate the way they live and incorporate minimalism into their lifestyle.
Thank you!😊
You seem to get the concept mission and vision of the community.
The expansion is a win-win, I think.
Looking forward to seeing more from you:)))
Congrats all!
Thank you!! <3
Thank you!😊
I'm very pleased, and it's the perfect birthday gift for me to announce it today😍
Congrats to the minimalists!
A lot has indeed been ongoing for the community and we're only seeing them this month - the upgrades.
Nice to see some love coming to the community. Curation isn't a small job, though, so congrats and well done to the team.
Thanks! Yeah, we're definitely seeing some exciting changes. :)
I wonder what the team thinks of extending to threads with something like short-form daily minimalism, speaking of short and simple.
Hey @olujay
Thanks for your lovely comment and good wishes. We'd be delighted to see more of you in the community :)
That sounds creative and idyllic in theory, but I think such fosters shitposting and spam, which we're working hard to deter.
We feel that remuneration and effort go hand-in-hand, and threads and short-form content are not the right fit for us:)
Very understandable perspective. We wouldn't want to start what we can't finish, and maintaining standard is very crucial, especially for the minimalist niche. Thank you for considering, Milly. ⚡
No worries!
I appreciate your suggestions though:)))
Oh woah! This is more than motivating. Am so excited 😆 for this great inspiring news because this community is s community that has got a lot to offer to the Hive Eco-system.
Thanks to our Moderators @millycf1976 @honeydue. for this big move because this shows how great minimalistliving contents shared here will get to spread more quickly and enlarge the community more.
Thanks too to every member of this community who has been creating original content as a minimalist because this lifestyle is not one that is faked. Its a lifestyle that is authentic and must continue in this light.
However, the most important we all need for faster growth of this community is # Engagement.
Engaging with one another in a community spreads like wild fire 🔥 and brings out a community. Lets do this guys.
Cheers 🥂🍾 with love ❤️
Thank you for your sweet wishes.🤗
Always beautiful 😍. Lots of love ❤️
This is really great and wonderful! 🥳Congratulations to the community team for their hard work and achievements 🤗 It is nice to see how the project continues to grow and this is proof of that. May the successes continue. I send you a big hug 💟