Welcome to our #KISS initiative that gives you blogging ideas revolving around the Minimalist Lifestyle.
These weekly prompts are designed to guide you in the right direction, and also to encourage community involvement and rapport.
It is more valuable to read personal experiences and life stories, instead of formulae ideas that can be found all over the web. Therefore, it's encouraged to make your blog as personable as you can.
Please follow the guidelines, be creative, and have fun sharing your knowledge and experiences with us:)
Also, you might be delighted to see a curation compilation of some of the best blogs that were presented to the community over the past week - it's More Or Less the Best.
Feel free to present your blog in a format of your choice, however, please refrain from presenting as if you are answering a questionnaire.

For translation purposes:
How do you eliminate stress and maintain balance in your life?
Are there any changes you need to make in your life?

I love the picture for this. It's so immensely freeing <3
Thank you. That was my backyard for 7 years in the Philippines. I spent most days along the shore and that day I'd set the camera up on a tripod and captured that photo. I was just learning about Hive at the time😊
I am so jealous! It looks like a brilliant place to live. <3
So glad to participate in this week kiss prompt,here's my entry
Excellent topic for this week. I'm looking forward to tackling it 💟
Happy Sunday from this side and here is my link
Happy to be part of the weekly prompt writing again, here's my link
Here is my entry;
Interesting prompt.
Here’s my entry
Both questions lead me to reflect. I really like the issues you address each week because it helps me to evaluate myself and rethink my priorities.
Thank you very much for your instructive topics 👏👏👏👏
Here is my participation:
Here is my entry