Who said simple is boring?

in The MINIMALIST3 years ago (edited)

There's never a dull moment in my life on a canal boat. I'm always looking forward to going someplace new, and I would go to many heights to get the optimal experience from my chosen lifestyle.


One such height, was 38 M high! (126ft)
'Almost' okay" was how I felt sitting in the bow of my boat while crossing this Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, the highest aqueduct in Wales, UK... as I made my way to the Llangollen town centre.

But life should be an adventure, don't you think?

I strongly think so.

My minimalism goal to live more adventurously and intentionally came to fruition by scaling down and peeling back layers of unnecessary possessions that had no value to my life. Once my burden was lightened, I embraced minimalism freely with an individual approach without conforming to any particular idealism of what minimalism should be.
Applying practicality to my everyday life and eventualities helps me to achieve happiness despite any ongoing challenges that I face.

N.B. (For holistic health from minimalism, and to keep me grounded spiritually, mentally, emotionally, are some excerpts from my favourite book; Zen Life 108 Adages of Wisdom by Master Sheng Yen, that I apply to my everyday life, which I will quote throughout.)

"Keep your mind free from the thought of gain and loss, and you will be free and at ease at all times." 
-  Zen Life 108 Adages of Wisdom book.

I try to adopt this principle quoted above, and in fact, I'd say that this freedom gives me peace of mind, and allows me to live many different lifestyles coherently, that there is just no time for boredom to set in.

Do you think boredom occurs more when living our lives passively?

Yes, I think so!

Therefore, I try my best to let go of the past and live actively in the present. I don't delay enjoying each moment waiting for things to change or improve, or I don't constantly look back at what I had before. I make the most of what I have at hand.

"Letting go does not mean giving up. Letting go means not thinking of the past, not thinking of the future, a mind that lets us go. Giving up means believing in nothing, abandoning all faith and courage."
-  Zen Life 108 Adages of Wisdom book.

Bored in nature?


I always enjoy time spent in nature.
Being nomadic and living simply at a slow pace of life, naturally regulates the speed of my thoughts, and help me to focus and not ponder over anything which I have no control over. Avoiding distractions and having full control of where I let my mind go, has improved, and so has my ability to evaluate the things that I create space for, in my head.

"Being anxious and worrisome is useless. Being mindful and focused is a must."
- Zen Life 108 Adages of Wisdom.

I'm always jazzed up to be surrounded by vast nature and wildlife creatures. I've learned so much from the changes nature brings, and apply it to my day-to-day life. This makes me more open-minded and has increased my ability to conceptualise things positively.

Creativity eliminates boredom

Keeping everything simple forces me to find creative ways to spend less, and enjoy more; Only purchasing items that are absolutely necessary. This helps to cut down on clutter; something that I totally detest. A cluttered environment is a reflection of what is going on inside our heads.

"Freedom is not life without obstacles; rather it is the ability to be calm and stable in body and mind when confronting obstacles."
- Zen Life 108 Adages Of Wisdom book.

For me the only obstacle is in our mindsets. If we think we need more to be happy, to be creative, and never bored, that's when we get disappointed. This is where having a minimalist mindset helps me.

Owning more possessions gave me more to be responsible for, which lead me to feel like I was owned by my possessions.
Now, I'm constantly creating space for me to think clearly and improve my creativity; leaving no space for boredom to manifest itself.

After all, it makes boat life and a minimalist lifestyle more attainable, fun, and hassle-free when we have less tangible possessions to worry about.

Below is a clickable photo compilation of some stunning scenes over the last couple of weeks, that I thought you might like to see. You may observe the changes in the vibrancy of colours, as some days come with dark clouds, and others are bright with glorious sunshine (such is life, right?).
Regardless, I hope these photos bring a sense of calm and peace to you, the same way feasting my eyes on these beautiful sceneries of nature made me feel.






Bonus short video crossing the aqueduct

I thank you for reading about this segment of my journey, which might have given you a new perspective of someone living as a minimalist. However, please feel free to share your thoughts or concerns that may be filling your mind with doubt, as to whether you could actually live this way.


All Images are mine


[ENG] You say you are a minimalist, but I think it is only for the material, because for me you are a beautiful woman, brimming with intelligence, knowledge, wisdom... you are immensely rich in spirit, happiness and love. That's what I think.
[ESP] Tu dices ser minimalista, pero yo creo que es solo para lo material, porque para mi eres una bella mujer, rebosante de inteligencia, conocimientos, sabiduría... eres inmensamente rica en espíritu, felicidad y amor. Eso es lo que creo.


Hola amiga @millycf1976 recibe, desde la distancia, un saludo afectuoso y un fuerte abrazo espiritual desde la distancia. Hermosas fotografías, te felicito, excelente publicación. Existe una frase atribuída al arquitecto Mies Van der Rohe: «menos es más» expresión que justifica el minimalismo, frase que comparto por su gran contenido filosófico, trascendente. Menos es mas y creo que tu lo has comprendido muy bien, eres grande @millycf1976 admirable. Eres minimalista para lo material pero rebosante de conocimiento, de sabiduría, de amor... estás llenándote cada día mas de lo grande, de lo hermoso, de lo excelso que al final es lo que nos llevamos, experiencias, conocimientos, alegrías. Recibe un fuerte abrazo espiritual cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz.


Hello friend @millycf1976 receives, from a distance, an affectionate greeting and a strong spiritual hug from a distance. Beautiful photographs, I congratulate you, excellent publication. There is a phrase attributed to the architect Mies Van der Rohe: "less is more" an expression that justifies minimalism, a phrase that I share because of its great philosophical content, transcendent. Less is more and I think you have understood it very well, you are great @ millycf1976 admirable. You are minimalist for the material but overflowing with knowledge, wisdom, love... you are filling yourself more every day with what is great, with what is beautiful, with what is exalted that in the end is what we take with us, experiences, knowledge, joys. Receive a strong spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.

 3 years ago  

Hello @marcosmilano71,

Greeting and respect to you across the miles:)
In my quest for spiritual growth, I find less appreciation for material things. and strive for connecting with my inner self. Learning something new everyday is my goal and experience is the best teacher.

Thank you for your warm greetings and appreciations, always:)

ooh I always loved to watch those canal boats and imagining how it would be to life in one:) so far it is not a home on the water for me though, but a house on wheels:)
that post of yours was very interesting to read! especially the part about boredom and creativity. it is true I did feel that way (and still do) so many times, that I am actually the most creative when I have the least objects around me to "help" me accomplish the goal. I do think we definitely distract our selfs a lot with the excuse of, that we would have to buy something first, to be able to create a thing, when actually the limitation of owning less brings us to use creative thinking a lot more to get where we want to be..
well I guess it is a very interesting topic to talk about and share thoughts:) I am looking forward to it, and I would love to read more about boatlife from you:)) until then, cheers

 3 years ago  

Hello @kesityu.fashion,
Thanks for stopping by with your lovely feedback.
For me, home is wherever I'm moored 😁
I cannot imagine going back to live in a normal flat here in the UK. Life on a narrowboat has been a game-changer and has exposed me to a kind of lifestyle which forces me to be more environmentally conscious, and self-sufficient.

Yes! Indeed, we can be so creative with everything that's already in our possession.

I do hope to I'll be able to write more of my everyday experiences on board now that the weather is brightening up.

Thanks for taking the time to leave your comment. I appreciate it very much:)

You are very welcome! Yes I think once you leave the flat-life it is impossible to get back to it:) for some at least.. Take care:)

 3 years ago  


I missed this one =/ But there's no problem, as your post appeared just as I needed it the most.

"Keep your mind free from the thought of gain and loss, and you will be free and at ease at all times."

I needed this quote. I'm struggling to sell a bunch of stuff for refusing to lower the prices to rock bottom; I need to let go and stop thinking I'm losing on my sales.

"Being anxious and worrisome is useless. Being mindful and focused is a must."

This struck me the hardest. I'm getting old. And the older I get, the less I want to adventure out there solo, which makes me anxious. I know I'll be safe, as I always been, but there's always this bad thought lurking inside my mind.

 3 years ago  

Hello @mrprofessor,
As they say, better late than never...I'm glad you found my post:)

Maybe you should hold on to those possessions just a little bit longer (without thinking of loss or gain) and then you might find what the true value of those items is to you.

Probably you'll find that they have such little personal value, and you actually give them away for free. OR, you might find that they have way more value to you personally... and the right time, person, and chance will present itself and you will get the ideal asking price.

Your second point; I think admitting that is courage in itself, so maybe you are fine to continue venturing solo for sometime longer. Everything will fall into place.
In other words, you just might meet that special person to be your companion.

You appear to be more mindful than you realise:)

In other words, you just might meet that special person to be your companion.

Yeah. I've always been the kind of tough "I can do it all by myself." And for most of my life that worked. Anyways. I found nobody to go out camping in a remote area tomorrow, which is perfectly fine. But my mom always bugs my mind with her mom's protection, making me anxious. Argh. I'll go anyway, but don't like leaving her worried. Thanks for listening, means a lot.

And on your end? How's everything? Summer is going your way soon!

 3 years ago  

I totally get that...sometimes it's other people that cause us to become anxious and worrisome, but she is your mom so that's understandable.

Spring is in the air for sure, but the weather is still bipolar. We're in Llangollen Wales, and there are stunning views every where. Just drastic weather changes constantly...all is good though:)

It wouldn't be Wales after all hhahahaha

 3 years ago  


This is really nice. Love the pics :)
I've always wanted to embrace a minimalist life with far fewer possessions than I have, and I don't really have many. But I could say that in that sense my life is more conventional. In a few months, however, I will have an empty nest when my son leaves for university. And one of the things I'm looking forward to, despite the nostalgia I'm already feeling for him living far from us is how far I'll be able to get rid of a lot of what I have. And live more simply, which is what I want.

And I think you're right in saying.

For me the only obstacle is in our mindsets.

So that's the answer for me.

 3 years ago  

Hey @coquicoin, thanks for your lovely comment, and I'm happy you like my photos:)

It will be a huge change for you to see your son off. I wish him all the best in his new stage of life.

Yes, minimalism does take some effort, and I think it's easier to accomplish downsizing effectively in stages.

Maybe long time you accomplish letting go of more stuff that you could imagine right at this stage in your life.

It doesn't sound like you are dependent on your possessions, so that's a big plus in the right direction:)

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 3 years ago  

Thank you @teamuksupport for your support:)

I like to maximise minimalism to get a lot out of less; it's amazing how much one can gain when one has less. One's cup is filled by being emptied. 😉

 3 years ago  

Hey Galen, you are spot on there!
I like that "maximise minimalism"...you totally get it:)

One's cup is filled by being emptied. 😉

Yeah, it's kinda like taking a few steps backward to get forward.

I'm grateful that I have the ability to do this;)

Thanks for your comment.
Have a lovely evening:)

It sounds easy, have a minimalistic mindset, but its not so easy to attain. Most people aren't very in-tune with themselves from an emotional perspective, not if they are honest anyway, so it's unsurprising that many can't grasp or deploy the concept.

 3 years ago  

That's very true!
I totally love living this way, and I'm always frightened when people comment that I've gone backward 😏

Maybe backwards is where people need to go? I mean, I don't think the world/society is better than. It was and wouldn't mind going backwards to find the simplicity that life used to hold. I can't go back, but at least I can work to find the same feeling huh?

 3 years ago  

Yeah, I cannot deny that the world has advanced in so many ways. However, I think people have lost sight and value in "little things" that are within our reach, and end up discontent in wanting things that are unattainable.
When I first came to the UK, it would pain me to hear people complain if they couldn't upgrade an iPad, and that they were bored.
I was totally baffled, because it was the first in my life that I could enjoy a walk in a park...I would sit in the park just looking around at how oblivious people were when they actually walked through the park...

Small things, done often enough, all join at the edges and make up bigger things. I guess not everyone sees it that way though, just the enlightened ones. I'd rather live a life full of many small things than put it on hold whilst waiting for the big things that happen more occasionally. In fact, I think it's the small things that help the larger ones happen more readily.

Yay! 🤗
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 3 years ago  

Thank you so much @dayatsiaulia and the @ecency team. Your support is very appreciated:)

Milly wow i am so happy to read your post because its what i feel also and what i work for in my life right now. I should also read your favorite book to help me become better and able to reach my goal. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts 🙏🏽

 3 years ago  

Hello Nafirah, thanks for your lovely feedback:)
I'm thrilled that you enjoyed reading my post, and hope that something resounds and helps you to make closer steps to achieving a simpler life.
You can download the book online, it might lead you to something else too:)

It's nice to have a minimalist lifestyle but i know it has its fair share of setbacks plus I really love the images ❤️

 3 years ago  

Hello @theweirdough,
Yes, there are many setbacks and challenges, but we have to embrace them as part of the experience. Living off-grid in a minimalist way means that finding alternative ways of earning is compulsory. This in itself forces one to remain self-motivated, which is a plus also.
Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your lovely feedback:)

The way you live off-grid and that to on a boat is really inspiring for a lot of women out there ❤️

 3 years ago  

Thank you, that's nice to know.
Surprisingly, you have many single women who feel safe enough to live on the canals. I think it's remarkable because most times you will be moored at remote areas with no neighbours in close proximity in the countrysides.
Luckily for me though, I live with my husband😍

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Thanks for the update @hivebuzz:)

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I have been wanting to share something recently,especially about minimalism since my life has been revolving around it for years now. I would not call myself extreme these days but I used to be. I can say that it's freeing to have lesser stuff more than the life I have now 😄. Simple doesn't mean boring, in fact, a lot of things come to mind because there's just more room to be creative and to use it for something else. This reminds me that I have to get back into fitting my life in a backpack rather than suitcases 😃

 3 years ago  

Thanks for your nice comment Mac 😊
Yes, life is all about creating space, whether mentally or physically, or else we become weighed down.
It's so easy to accumulate stuff, so we constantly need to be mindful. You seem to have found so much balance in your life now though, so hopefully you'll do some spring cleaning and get back on tract with your downsizing😁

Your post made me want to look up Zen Life 108 Adages Of Wisdom book. I don't know much about it. It sounds like a great bedside table bedtime read. We just had the roof repaired so will do another round of downsizing exercises soon. It will be quite a feat because these would be items we had already considered valuable. I found homes that are glad to accept my old paintings in hiding so let's see.

I wore the red shoes you bequeathed to me last night on a ladies' night out and I thought about you. Thank you for passing them on to me.

 3 years ago  

Hey Arni,
Yes, it's a nice motivational 'ebook' with quotes that I find handy. Some great points that help me spiritually...I think you would like it too!

I'm happy you managed to get the roof repair off your agenda of this to accomplish. One thing less to worry about. You'll feel better when you do more downsizing.

Ladies night sounds fun😁 The shoes is an elegant look and I'm sure it elongated your tall slender legs nicely:)
I was more that happy to pass them onto you😍