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RE: How I gave up my apartment and sold 80% of my stuff 🤭

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

Hello @onlyanna88,
Nice post and I see you had fun incorporating many options that suited your story.
I'm so happy for you that you're more on a spiritual path. That I can relate to very well.
Not that I think you would, but don't ever question or doubt what you did by letting go of all your possessions. I'm happy that you're traveling, exploring the world, and discovering yourself. There will be setbacks, but always remember that life needs its highs and lows. Pay attention to your low times and embrace them, because that's when you're growing without even realizing it.
Re your followers; Don't stress! Your tribe will find you and stick to you. I could say that for this community I would prefer to have quality posts over quantity posts and subscribers. However, I aim to foster the community so that persons who might not be dedicated minimalists, can get more exposure to the subject, learn ideas, and have new sights and perspectives on this way of life.

Wishing you a lovely week ahead:)


Thanks for your comment ! Of course you always have things you regret from the past, but I've learned that you can't change them. that there's no point in always thinking "oh, if only I had..." or could I do it differently again...!you can't, so don't think about it so much and don't make life harder for yourself! thanks i like this group :)

 2 years ago  

I'm happy you feel at home here. See you around :)