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RE: Minimemo #1 - Less but Better

in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

Minimalism can also help curb spending and for those who are into saving up, that’ll help us do that faster without feeling miserable.

That's such a valid point🙌

Minimalism or underconsumption will still be a trend in 2025. I’ve seen all over that even the no-buy movement is kicking off as well. That is a good sign that we’ve put a pause on Yolo and endless consumerism to something against it.

It's interesting when I think about how that relates to the UK. I see people spending and being crazy the same way, yet more high street shops are closing. I'm not sure if it's just the shift in internet purchasing or what... Mind you, I only happened to be in a busy Shopping Complex right after Christmas, and people were going mad for shopping. I know consumerism is good for the economy, but I'd like to see more underconsumption from a minimalist outlook, of people wasting less.

Minimemo is a serialized blog that will be published every Friday in which I’ll talk about my minimalism journey, learning and experiences co-existing with a hoarder. If you want to follow that adventure, stay tuned every Friday!

I'm excited and looking forward to reading bout your discoveries and journey, Mac!👍


I mean these days we've heard about trash problems and over here that's a huge problem. I find that troublesome since not only it's bad for the environment but it's impacting ourselves too. So, the no-buy movement and anything tied to underconsumption is a great idea.

I hope I can stay consistent with it and now I think I have more topic to talk about because I live with a hoarder 🤣 I might offer an insight or two dealing with them