Mindfully Clearing My Mind

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago (edited)

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I headed into the woods to slow down and regain control of my racing mind.

On my yoga mat, I lay flat on my back with my feet to the width of the mat, my shoulders relaxed, and I simply took some deep breaths. This quickly brought on a feeling of zen, and once I got into a zone, the rustling sounds of nature appeared amplified. My mind tuned in on the moving sounds in the shrubs, some chirping birds flying high above, and the passing traffic in the distance. Yet, the sound of my breath was loud with a steady rhythm.

Lying in this Shavasana position for approximately 30 minutes with my eyes closed, felt good, and I started to let go of tension and ease into relaxation. Immediately I felt a flow of energy within my body, and when I opened my eyes, the trees canopied above were a beautiful sight to behold.

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It was a good break away from the screen, and occasionally I picked up my mobile and snapped these photos just so I could use them here.

Briefly, I focused my mind on one of the thoughts that consumed my mind, from a conversation with my mum the previous night.

There's always family drama; Something that I'm a master at avoiding. However, on this occasion, there was some heavy stuff which my mum needed to off-load, so I listened briefly to ensure that she was fine, before shifting the conversation.

I commended her ability to function effectively despite consuming all the garbage she's forced to, then I told her that I was full to capacity from enjoying the little things around me, and just being grateful.
My mum was receptive of my views and she changed the conversation to a lighter one where we exchanged cat stories.

You see, minimalism practices have many dimensions, and one way to live simpler and to cultivate more pleasant thoughts, is to accept that we all have personal troubles to deal with, so we should be mindful about what we take on from others.
Saying that, it's not that I don't care about people's problems, it's just that when I do listen, I do so with the intention to help.
Otherwise, drama becomes too heavy a burden to bear, and I oftentimes find myself expressing that I'm full to capacity, whenever someone tries to drag me in.

I prioritise taking ownership of my life, and staying in control the best way I can, which includes me utilising the freedom that I have to rectify things in my life that are not right.


The benefits of lying in the woods disconnected were that my inner thoughts were calm, and the flow of energy within my body was refreshed, and stored simultaneously. Also, when I head into the woods, it's like my way of load shedding to de-stress and restore my energy so that I can cope with my own stress and external stressors without letting those stressors seep in to disturb my life.

I'm now looking forward to a relaxing weekend where I'll include at least one activity to improve my physical and emotional well being.

Thank you for stopping by, and as always, all photos were taken by me on this day in the woods in Newton Abbot, Uk.


In the middle of the forest, I think that is the best place to avoid family drama.Hello, @millycf1976

I would to do the same thing 🙂

Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring US
Have a lovely weekend

 2 years ago  

Hello there!

In the middle of the forest, I think that is the best place to avoid family drama.

Yes, that's very true, and it has been my escape since I was a kid.
There's a certain kind of harmony that has always been comforting when I'm amongst trees (leaves and branches) that I totally adore.
Happy weekend too:)

Excellent choice, visiting the forest to balance your emotions, breathing techniques and listening to the sounds of nature itself is very relaxing
Exercises and nature baths is the best exercise to reduce the stress caused by the discussions that we can have with the people we love.
I appreciate that you have shared this relaxing experience.
Have a beautiful night, happy restHello dear friend @millycf1976 good evening

 2 years ago  

You've said that so well.
Thanks for your lovely comment.
Have a great weekend:)))Hello @jlufer

what I like is a private space that blends with nature like this without non-organic waste. There's definitely a lot of inspiration and positive aura here @millycf1976

 2 years ago  

There's definitely a lot of inspiration and positive aura


I'm always drawn to these places too.
Thanks for stopping by:)))

Oh Milly, I can totally understand this. I never feel more at peace than when I'm surrounded by nature and entering that zone of energy and light, focusing and cleansing my mind can only come from there.
In the meantime, I totally understand your reservations on carrying the whole family drama. It's one thing to listen, knowing you have a solution, it's another to just keep listening to different issues and then being continuously burdened by then since you don't have a solution. It's a wonderful way of living.

 2 years ago  

Yeah, being in the woods and nature in general is my happy place, and luckily it takes me just a few steps to get there.
My mum is like me who finds beauty in small things but unfortunately being mum means that she has to deal with drama, I suppose. Which is a shame because I don't think she should in her old age.
Generally, though, the entire family knows that I like harmony and cheerful conversations, and that I'm caring and considerate, but for drama, maybe in another life, just not this one:)

Hmmm....I don't think the elderly should be bothered by drama like that. Not profiting for them health-wise or any other way but I don't think, at this point, she can extricate herself from it. Or that she would even want that.

 2 years ago  

I find it strange that even after recent times and all that has happened in the world, that people still struggle to have gratitude for life and are not more appreciative of the good that they have.😏

I've been doing yoga every night recently due to my back pain persistently bugging my days for like weeks already.It's concerning actually ..hope yoga and meditation will work..
I'll try to do it in the park surrounded by trees once the rain stops..

 2 years ago  

I'm sorry to hear about your back pain, as that's never pleasant. It's good that you're doing the yoga though, and it will gradually help your back.
Yes, you'll find a totally different experience doing yoga in nature. The first time I did yoga at a studio, I struggled simply because I'd only ever done it outdoors, most times by the sea.
Have a nice day:)

It's been raining here and I can barely go out on my holidays.. Hope tomorrow will be fine.. Need some walk to stretch my muscles..

 2 years ago  

Ah, it's the rainy season for you. I understand that it can put a damper on many events. I do hope that you still find activities to enjoy your holiday.
Have a great weekend:)))

Trying to be mind and love full in listening, its so difficult sometimes when its the same again and again. Reading your lines one thought came up. Especially when someone speaks about the same troubles for decades, that person even more needs the love to give while listening.

I always fall to sleep meditating lying on the floor. Always 😅

 2 years ago  

I think being sucked into the mess of other people's life is harder, when you yourself are a happy and positive person who just get up and do the things that cultivate happiness, as in the case of my mum. I'm just better at keeping things and people at bay.

I always fall asleep meditating while lying on the floor

It is super relaxing, but you'd be surprised to know how many people have difficulty switching off (and remaining still in that position).
Have a nice day:)

 2 years ago  

Sounds like a wonderful time. I never have patience for long Shavasana pose, but this has inspired me to try more. Love the backdrop ;)

 2 years ago  

Thank you 😊

I hope that you'll try it some more. I used to struggle with it too, but then I realised that it's one of the most important yoga poses. Now, if I have the time, I even do it for 15 minutes after a long yoga session; relaxed and only focused on my breathing with my mind completely switched off. It's like going into a trance and then waking myself back up;))

I believe that being in contact with nature and paying attention to that moment of communion can be very beneficial, as you tell us you experienced.

I'm glad to hear that you felt better after your visit to the forest and that you have plans to do some activity on the weekend to improve your physical and emotional state, that makes it clear that you don't like to stay in the hole.

 2 years ago  

That makes it clear that you don't like to stay in the hole.

Well said! NO, I don't like that at all.

I got just what I'd hoped for and felt really positive and in a good place after.

Thanks for your warm and touching reply.
I really appreciate it 🤗

Good on you for communing with nature and detoxing the heavy vibes from daily drama. I love that you can step back and control what you want to let in and not get pulled into other people's stories. It takes strength and courage to stand your ground, especially with family. love and hugs to you.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for your lovely and thoughtful comment.
Yes, it took me a long time to understand the importance of prioritising my well-being and not being sucked into people's drama, when I do everything possible to keep my life streamlined.
Have a great Sunday:)))

The benefits of lying in the woods disconnected were that my inner thoughts were calm, and the flow of energy within my body was refreshed

What greater benefits could one possibly ask for? Just looking at your images alone is soothing and challenges me to walk into the woods, find a good space and lay on my back too while I listen to the whooshing sounds of the wind.exhales.

Your images are lovely by the way. Thanks for sharing this thoughtful post.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for your lovely message 😊
I do hope that you'll get to appreciate the woods too.
Have a lovely day ahead:)))

Thank you Milly 😊.

Have a lovely day ahead:)))

You too<3

 2 years ago  


!LUV it Milly.

Makes me relaxed just absorbing that moment with you. Lets get on to the next peaceful moment shall we. Keep rockin

 2 years ago  

Have a nice day:)

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Visiting the woods is good but I didn't know we can off-load our stressful thoughts by so doing, seeing you in woods has thoughts me that, and it is good for a person to focused on his relaxing mind, stress wouldn't get any good for someone, those pictures are nice.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for your lovely comment.😊

I didn't know we can off-load our stressful thoughts by so doing

Yes, indeed! I do feel a sense of serenity and peace whenever I'm in nature.

Thanks for stopping by:)))

You are welcome and thank you too for sharing 🥰

 2 years ago  


Honestly nature is beautiful and it comes with serenity
I love to just take a walk when I have this feeling of tension in me,sometimes I look up to the sky to smile at it's beauty.
One-day I will love to do this.
I love your way of overcoming tension.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for your lovely comment.
Indeed, it's important to be appreciative of the little things, and being in nature is my happy place:)