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RE: What Eases My Mind || KISS #104 on Me-Time

in The MINIMALIST11 months ago

Hey, @rafzat!

There are 3 tortoises living here in the backyard, two females and one male. When we moved to this house 7 years ago, they were already living here. The person who took care of them told me that we only had to keep their water troughs full, since they fed themselves with the fruit that fell on the floor (which is always more than enough). Queen Guinevere, the turtle you see in the picture, for some reason always gravitates to me. She comes to the kitchen and take her back to the yard and I give her bananas, tomatoes, lettuce, mango.... (They also eat some leaves and flowers). She enjoys me stroking her shell and sometimes stays with me after she finishes eating.

Tortoises need natural space, sun and shade. They need water for drinking and bathing... Someone without a yard or garden should not have tortoises.

They're animals with a very special vibe 😌💕