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RE: Who said simple is boring?

[ENG] You say you are a minimalist, but I think it is only for the material, because for me you are a beautiful woman, brimming with intelligence, knowledge, wisdom... you are immensely rich in spirit, happiness and love. That's what I think.
[ESP] Tu dices ser minimalista, pero yo creo que es solo para lo material, porque para mi eres una bella mujer, rebosante de inteligencia, conocimientos, sabiduría... eres inmensamente rica en espíritu, felicidad y amor. Eso es lo que creo.


Hola amiga @millycf1976 recibe, desde la distancia, un saludo afectuoso y un fuerte abrazo espiritual desde la distancia. Hermosas fotografías, te felicito, excelente publicación. Existe una frase atribuída al arquitecto Mies Van der Rohe: «menos es más» expresión que justifica el minimalismo, frase que comparto por su gran contenido filosófico, trascendente. Menos es mas y creo que tu lo has comprendido muy bien, eres grande @millycf1976 admirable. Eres minimalista para lo material pero rebosante de conocimiento, de sabiduría, de amor... estás llenándote cada día mas de lo grande, de lo hermoso, de lo excelso que al final es lo que nos llevamos, experiencias, conocimientos, alegrías. Recibe un fuerte abrazo espiritual cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz.


Hello friend @millycf1976 receives, from a distance, an affectionate greeting and a strong spiritual hug from a distance. Beautiful photographs, I congratulate you, excellent publication. There is a phrase attributed to the architect Mies Van der Rohe: "less is more" an expression that justifies minimalism, a phrase that I share because of its great philosophical content, transcendent. Less is more and I think you have understood it very well, you are great @ millycf1976 admirable. You are minimalist for the material but overflowing with knowledge, wisdom, love... you are filling yourself more every day with what is great, with what is beautiful, with what is exalted that in the end is what we take with us, experiences, knowledge, joys. Receive a strong spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.

 3 years ago  

Hello @marcosmilano71,

Greeting and respect to you across the miles:)
In my quest for spiritual growth, I find less appreciation for material things. and strive for connecting with my inner self. Learning something new everyday is my goal and experience is the best teacher.

Thank you for your warm greetings and appreciations, always:)