A very stress-free life

in The MINIMALIST3 days ago


Maybe it's the stage I'm currently in, where I need nothing to add to the stress of my already daily stressed life. Yes, I need a very simplified life where I don't have to go through all the complexities of life to live well. Come on, living on this earth is just too complex, and thank God for those of us who live simply as a habit.

About two weeks ago, I had to write an article but didn't have any idea what to write about or which community to write for. As per my usual routine, I went through my community list to select one. That particular day, I saw things differently. I was scrolling and scrolling, finding it hard to settle on any one community. I really felt stressed because the list of communities seemed endless. I resorted to unfollowing many of them—the ones I hadn't used in a while—just to clear up the list and make it simpler for myself. Imagine going through stress in my offline activities and then coming online to experience the same. No way!

That's exactly what I need in my life—a life where I don't have to flip through 1,000 pages of a book just to arrive at a destination where I could have just taken one flip. A life where I don't have to spend an hour standing still, flipping through clothes in my wardrobe just to find something to wear. A life where I don't need to climb to the fourth floor just to get a particular plate to eat from. Gosh! Life is stressful enough already, and I'm doing everything I can to live a simple, stress-free life.

I've come to realize that living a convenient life isn't about having things in abundance. No, we can have fewer things and still live very well. We can have items that serve multiple purposes instead of buying many items that just take up space. Relating this to my digital lifestyle, I used to have many browser apps that I used for different things, but hey, why should I have up to 10 browsers when just 1 or 2 can serve the same purpose? Before, I had trouble selecting the exact one I needed for a task because they all looked alike.

Yes, I'm referring to the Opera Mini app, and I had all the different versions—up to nine or so. So, I sat down and cleared them out to save myself the stress because the fewer possessions I have, the simpler my life becomes.

We all have different tastes and lifestyles, but it baffles me when people have just too many items serving the same purpose. It makes me sick thinking about the kind of trouble they go through when trying to pick what to use—like the lady who left 12 pairs of shoes in my house for the past year and still hasn't come to pick them up. Maybe she's tired of them, which is why she hasn't bothered to collect them, or maybe she's already feeling the stress-free life and just doesn't care anymore.

In this life, I simply don't need stress. I want everything to be simple and easy-going.


This is my entry to KISS prompt

Photos used are mine


Living simply is simply the best especially in this present time of stress. What are my doing with nine browser apps when I can have two 😂😂😂.

The browser stuff,
I had then when I was fully into referral things. We used to loot but I haven't been found there for a long time 😅
Thank you for stopping by

You're welcome

 3 days ago  

I get confused about all the different browser versions too. It's certainly much easier to just pick one and go with it. Or try each out for a bit and see which one is best suited to your needs. But simplicity sometimes lies in having fewer choices, certainly. :)

Yeah, the fewer the choice, the easier life appears. That's how it works in my system.
Thank you.
Sorry for the late response

 3 days ago  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

Thank you!🙌

I've come to realize that living a convenient life isn't about having things in abundance.

Yes oo. In my post, I said less is more. Living a simple life is worth more than having the whole thing in your house serving the same purpose when you could just dash them out, be stress free from the choice of which one to go for or not...that alone can frustrate one and add to the issues one has already.

I also sometimes find it difficult to post in a community and every idea would just disappear. But at that time, what I do is to be calm, leave my phone for a while then come back later. Life is all about acquiring the simple things and living in peace.

That's it.
Life is supposed to be simple if we do not complicate things by acquiring everything just for possession sake😅

Thank you for stopping by.
Sorry for my late response