#LivingElSalvador. My Free Dryer.

in The MINIMALIST3 months ago


In El Salvador, there is no need to have a dryer, and that's why majority of people do not own it, including me.

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In El Salvador, few people, especially living in the mountains or rural areas still do their laundry in the rivers or or handwash on the pilas which are concrete outdoor sinks which are mainly made to do laundry and then they dry their clothes by hanging them outside.

I learned how to handwash all of our clothes, when we went to El Salvador for visit in 2007 and so on, which is great to know, because I still like to handwash some smaller clothes or cloths myself.

I love my free dryer, because it dries fast, smells fresh like nature and it doesn't wreck your clothes, plus it's absolutely free.

It is more challenging during the winter season when it rains, but it usually doesn't rain in the daytime, but at night so you still get hot and sunny weather during the day.

Some people do have dryers, but that's usually people who live in the appartaments where they don't have much room to hang their clothes.

Thank you for stopping by, and for your support. It's greatly appreciated.
Love @joalvarez

amazing project that I would suggest for everyone in this hive community to check it out and support it and by doing it we are helping people in need who are trying to keep their kids safe from being taken away (kidnapped) by the Social Services. Here is the link Click hereI am a great supporter of @familyprotection which is working very hard to help the families stay together and this project is the most

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Image created by my beautiful friend @sunnylife

 3 months ago  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.