Helper or Saviour....

in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

I believe the things people say have an impact on us whether we choose to believe it or not. We may take it as a passing statement and believe that it doesn’t affect us, which to an extent might be true but the more we hear it, the more we begin to ponder on it till we subconsciously act on it or it becomes a part of us. That’s how I feel about anxiety download.

I never thought it was a problem. For a long time it felt okay. My friends would say, “One thing about Tessa? She will listen.” And I do listen, even though I have a lot of things I need to accomplish that moment and my time is being taken, even though I find what you're saying uncomfortable and disturbing. Even if the things you’re saying, in a way are detrimental to my wellbeing. I would listen because my thought process was... What if this is the last opportunity this person has to air this out? What if I don’t listen and it costs this person something invaluable? What if I was this person’s last hope to feel heard?

My sister calls it saviour complex. When she’d find me mulling, unable to eat and I’d tell her that what someone had shared with me was disturbing me, she’d say, “You’re not Jesus, Tessa. You can’t always save everybody. Get rid of this obsessive need to try and save everyone. It’s a complex.”

I usually disagreed with her because that’s not what I was doing, was it? I was merely listening. Listening but not stopping there. Cause I never just listen. Mentally, physically or financially, I believed I could make it all better for everyone. Let their problems become mine. And also their anxieties. Let it bother me sometimes far more than those concerned cause I’ll constantly think about it. Because that's what friends do, right?

Being everyone’s safe space was taking a toll on me. Cause all of a sudden I found myself sinking. Sinking and drowning. Suddenly the saviour needed saving and found none. Not because others may not have liked to help. But because the weight of what I was carrying was far too much to bear or even share.

How could I tell my friend that would never leave her physically and verbally abusive relationship that I was tired of listening to her since she never took my advice anyway and I spent each day worrying it would be her last because of the intensity of the abuse? Also that I was tired of helping her cover this up from her family. What if I stopped listening and that was what finally tipped her off the ledge?

You can’t save everyone. That’s how I learnt. Of course this was after I got into trouble with one of the friends I was going insane with worry for. As I nursed the heartbreak of being accused to be a relationship wrecker, my sister’s words played like a mantra in my ear. It is a very intentional resolution. Very intentional and conscious because as a chronic listener, the urge to want to “be there” and potentially “save” the person rears its head every time.

No, I haven’t stopped listening. But I use a filter now. Filter what I listen to and from there still filter what I let affect me. Being polite yet firm with my, "I'd rather you didn't share this with me." Having the knowledge that people’s emotions are theirs and I can’t let that impede my life or my goals has been truly helpful. Like I said, it’s a conscious and continuous effort so I’m hoping to make it last.


Images are mine

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I was tired of listening to her since she never took my advice anyway and I spent each day worrying it would be her last because of the intensity of the abuse?

I used to have a friend who would do this too. She would often seek advice, but she never took it seriously. She would find herself enmeshed in a cycle of marital problems, constantly seeking guidance to resolve them. One night, she pleaded with me to come over to my place, unable to tolerate her husband's behavior (he was just a jerk but never physically abused her). I said, "No, look, my kids and I are unwell, and we need to rest, and I can't rest while having you unloading your endless issues on me." I basically stopped taking her calls since then. Did I feel guilty? Of course, but my mental health and the family are important too. She never once asked me how I was doing, whether I was well, or if the kids were okay. No, never. She was using me to unload her BS and nothing else. I haven't spoken to her for almost 10 years now, and I don't regret it one bit.

I'm glad you're establishing boundaries with your friends ❤️

Wow. That must have taken a lot of courage to do, and I can't imagine the number of times you must have reminded yourself to stick to your decision.

I'm happy you did this for you and even though I'm not completely there yet, I'm learning to protect my core and peace of mind because frankly no one else will do it better. I hope we keep having the grace to make good and wise decisions in life. This was incredibly relatable and heartwarming to read. Thank you so much.❤️

I was there with this friend for 10 long years, since before I got married and had kids. I was always the one listening to her woes, offering comfort and advice. I told her not to rush into relationships, and there she went, jumping into bed with anyone she fancied, getting herself pregnant, aborting it, and off she jumped to the next one. On and on. I couldn't take it. I felt I was taken for granted. Enough is enough. I hope you don't have to resort to this decision.

I hope I don't ever have to but I'm sorry for anyone who goes through it. You are one brave woman and I hope the lines keep falling to you in pleasant places. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I have paid keen attention and I have learnt so much. I hope to keep learning from you in the future.❤️

 2 months ago  

Ha, from one listener to another, I gotta say your sister's right! It's not your job to listen to everyone (especially when it means never getting to speak your peace yourself). It's a hard balance. I can't speak for others, obviously, but for me, I found it was also a way of deflection - as long as I'm listening to your problems, I don't gotta be genuine and open up myself, right? It's always worth examining why you're so eager to be the listener, not the talker. :D Thanks for the relatable read!

It's always worth examining why you're so eager to be the listener, not the talker

I find this incredibly deep and yeah, I think I've got to evaluate critically why I always want to listen. Thank you for this heart-warming comment. Definitely something to reflect on this morning.🌺

You see, we can never save everyone because they will keep coming and that will always affect us, too. Filtering what we listen to is one best way to avoid anxieties of others because we have our lives to focus on, too.

That's exactly it. Thank you for reading. It's a pleasure having you here.🌺

It's my pleasure, Jhymi.

 2 months ago  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

Thank you. It's always a pleasure participating.✨

And the ironic thing about being everyone's "dumping space" is that you either don't get someone to save you or listen to you as much as you do for others or you're not even the type to talk at all.

Last year was when I decided to be people's emotional sponge. I'd still listen but not allow them offload on me. It gets overwhelming honestly. Especially when this particularly set of people don't know how to stop. It's even worse when they're the selfish ones who won't go all out for you as much as you've done for them. At the end of the day, as much as we wanna be there for people, protecting one's core is also important.
Thank you for sharing this! It felt personal and relatable.

I love that last part you said about protecting your core because best believe that if you don't, people are ever ready to sponge out your very essence. Thankfully, we're doing better at loving ourselves more this year. I'm glad you found this relatable, Mide. Have a beautiful day ahead.🌺