On our last trip we did several things that helped us enjoy everything much more, including the road which is usually the most uncomfortable part of traveling. We usually travel by bus is not the most comfortable way to travel but it is the one we personally can use, our last trip took a little over 14 hours, so you can imagine how tiring it could be.
Still what we did allowed us not to make the trip more complicated than it was, but rather to see the positive side of it all. We were able to do this trip with my mom and dad, so we were four people doing our best to have a good trip. To begin with we tried as much as possible not to take too much luggage, something that made it easier for us, is that we were going to our old house, where we still had some clothes, sheets and things like that.
So we didn't have to carry any of those things, also very close to that house live my in-laws, who explained to us the currencies that were being used in the area (since they are on the border with Colombia), and what was their price equivalent to the currencies that we use the most, which are the dollar and the Bolivar. This helped us to take the account and not to take anything with us but to plan to buy things there, food, cleaning and personal hygiene products.
Our trip could be said to have been daring, because here we worked, we gathered the scenery, food, personal products and a little bit for any eventuality but without the money for the return trip. It might sound crazy but this was also planned, the advantage that it is a place we know is that we could work there for a few days on our own and get the return ticket. So we can travel without waiting any longer to complete the money in full, and when we get there we take a few days to sell yogurts with cereal from home and on demand.
I feel that the life of a person with plans to make everything as simple as possible, helps you develop super useful skills, we could easily get a little frustrated for not getting the return ticket or even take much longer to travel and miss the vacation days we had, but we were able to solve it because we took the time to make it simpler. We asked ourselves, is there a way to simplify it, can we do some work over there and figure out the return ticket?
Our trip was simple, but we enjoyed it very much, we visited several places in Amazonas, so you could say that we made short trips within our long trip. And all this with our little handbag, in which we carried some money, identification and the food of the day later prepared at home. In fact, we used means of transportation that we normally do not use. For example to get to some places, my mom and dad traveled by motorcycle together for the first time.
I know you may think it is something risky and dangerous, but this is something quite common, the main means of transportation so motorized people are experts not only with directions and tracks but also to control anything on the road. This too, being able to adapt is a fundamental part of being a minimalist, being able to solve with what you have at the moment is something that takes time to learn, but doing it in many ways simplifies your life.
Finally the trip was quite fun, full of many beautiful experiences and the truth although everything was planned to work well, it was also full of spontaneous plans and ideas that occurred to us at the time, so that trip of more than 14 hours was not as uncomfortable as it could have been, and the stay in Puerto Ayacucho Amazonas, recharged our energies and filled us with joy.
So thinking about this trip I think about life itself, sometimes life can be a little bit uncomfortable as a 14 hour trip, a bumpy road could symbolize a life full of difficult situations that unexpectedly come our way in life, so traveling light is the same as traveling without so many mental burdens, complexes, bad habits and so on. Observing the landscape around us while we travel and not looking at the ground to see how the trip goes by slowly.
Getting simple solutions to serious problems in our life, is a skill that is acquired over time, but learning it also helps you to have a calmer life, without so much excess anxiety, because you understand that you can not control everything, something can always go wrong and the moment as those how you solve it is everything.
Life is a beautiful journey and we only have two options to enjoy it or not. To do this we can lead a balanced visa in which we strive to be better every day, leaving behind the negative and taking with us the positive that does not weigh anything on the trip. Being with the ones we love and being adaptable so that despite all the situations that arise, we can be happy and ready to move forward.
-Content entirely of my authorship and inspiration.
-Original text in Spanish, translated at DeepL.
-Personal photographs, taken with my Huawei p30 Lite Phone.
-Banners designed in Canva Pro.
I am glad you were able to make the trip against all odds even though they did not have a return ticket.
It is a great advantage to make things simpler and it is not a matter of being irresponsible but of being practical so as not to complicate our lives. Little baggage, even mental baggage, lightens everything in life.
The key is the one you mentioned: solve big problems with simple things 🥳🥳
I loved reading you 💫.
Well, thank you for dedicating part of your time to me. Without a doubt it was a great trip and thanks to your simplification we were able to complete it.💓🤗
This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.
Thanks for stopping by 🤗. I hope you also have a nice day that you enjoy.