I agree, the commercial world is designed to take us by the hand and fill us with unnecessary things, and if we don't stop to think about it for a moment, we can easily be fooled and live full of things but empty.
I feel that with the passage of time we have been conditioned, until reaching our generation which sadly is forced to seek immediate pleasures wherever, including having possessions and the one who is aware of all this sometimes suffers a little more, but it is also the one who from that suffering learns to deal with all this.
Dedicate yourself to grow as a person, be aware of the spiritual need and despite like everyone else, to have a balanced life in which you can do everything you can to help yourself.
There are a lot of notable points I took from your response.
Sometimes, we forget what truly matters and live empty pleasurable lives until we settle and see how we've lived.
Exactly, when we deal with something, it becomes an experience. A lesson learnt.
Thank you. I will. Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice day.