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RE: A Guilt That Lingers.

in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

I feel terrible when I can't do some things because I believe it's my responsibility. I tell myself there is a need to shoulder more things for the family, which most times ends with anxiety & guilt.

This use to be my hubby. He could spend hours/days worrying on lost opportunities that would not come back. Life is a journey just do your best and leave the rest.

Blames are dangerous especially when you do it to yourself, you might not be able to function well. Quit blaming better still give credit to yourself for the much you were able to do.


Thanks mama and I really appreciate this. It's really pointless contemplating on things that we can't change so it's better to move on.

However, it can be very challenging but for the sake of our well-being, that's just the right thing to do.

You sound better which shows you are in charge of your emotions.