Peaceful Living.

in The MINIMALIST11 hours ago (edited)

The world is an imperfect place, and there are so many things that don't sit well with us as individuals. Some of things happen around us every day, but there is little or nothing we can do about them because it's the world's way, you can't do anything to change or control it. I understood this very early in life, and it's one of the reasons you can't find me struggling with things I can't change or control. Instead of trying at all, I focus on what I can change or control, which are my thoughts, emotions, and actions.

With these things under my control, it's easier for me to cope wherever I find myself. I remembered when I moved into my apartment, it was the kind of environment I have always wanted. Quiet, calm, and peaceful, but it's been three years plus, and so many things have changed.

The quietness and peace were traded for development in the neighborhood, which makes no sense, but it's beyond me to maintain the things I love about my environment before the development came. We have more people, more problems, especially with noise, and there is this temptation to relocate sometimes, but for how long will I have to move around because in this part of the world, development changes the order of things?

Wherever I think of going, development will always come, so I just have to cope with the challenges without allowing them to get into my head. So my first approach to coping with a chaotic environment is admitting that it is a problem beyond my control, and that way, I don't get stressed as a top-up on whatever inconvenience I am experiencing already.

Practicing gratitude does the magic for me as well, and I believe some people can relate to this. Many times, disturbances extend beyond just your environment and become more of a general problem in the country. It can be anything, and before you know it, the country is in chaos already. The continuous inflation in Nigeria is one of those things, and despite how it's affecting the nation, I still have reasons to be grateful.

This act helps me remember that I am holding up fine, which is enough for me to be calm. Last week, there was an outburst in the country about the national grid collapsing. It was something to worry about really because we need electricity, but while going about my day without electricity, some kids about three blocks away approached me, asking if I could spare them three buckets of water.

Without hesitation, I led them to my place and did the needful. Immediately they left, a neighbor asked if I had forgotten the electricity issue, and I just laughed.

Deep inside me, I was grateful for that moment and hope that things will get better. Surprisingly, electricity was restored before I ran out of water. Worrying to much about tomorrow sometimes deprives people calm and peace no matter how calm their environment is so practicing gratitude helps me stay calm, and I don't have to overthink anything; I just live in this moment, and that's all.

Away from putting things under control, music comes to my rescue many times, and it's one reason why I don't leave my house without an earphone or pod. My friends and family know me so well that I don't chat once I hit the road. My destination is the major thing on my mind, so even when I am in the bus with someone I know, I will have my earphones plugged in.

With music, I put away every noise. It's not like the noise is gone, but I chose what to listen to. Sometimes, it's a podcast, and it's just better that way because it helps me stay active mentally, so there is no battling with any form of exhaustion. Even at home, I have my earphones plugged in when feeling uncomfortable with whatever is happening around me. Music just makes the atmosphere different, and I appreciate that a lot.

I love to engage with nature as well because it's soothing especially when stress eventually gets to me.

It could be a stroll through nature, just admiring the beauty or relaxing in nature does magic to me. Since it doesn't buzz in nature, a lot of people tend to go the other way, which is helpful to me. It doesn't get crowded, and that's just the perfect place to relax.

Image Are Mine


Wow. That was so nice of you. Those kids will never forget. It is a good thing to practice gratitude, it makes things more valuable.

I love listening to music too!!!

Nice post. I enjoy reading it.

 9 hours ago  


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