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RE: Steps towards Minimalism

Hello Lavie, I enjoyed reading about your minimalism journey. You nailed a lot of great points.

Saying no to free stuff is something I found quite challenging, especially books! I remember several months ago, I was approached by a friend who was giving away a van full of French books to the Alliance Francaise library and I was free to choose any and how many books I wanted. Since it's very difficult to find french books in bookstores here in our country, the greedy side of me wanted it all hahaha. I eventually picked 3 which are still lying on my bedside table. Started them but all unfinished. So when I received another set of books after that, one of which was from millycf1976, I made it a point to read them, keep them if they're something that I will keep coming back to, or pass them on when I'm done.


Well if books are your thing, it's fine to take those free stuffs and keep them. Books "spark joy" to you anyways. You can start with the other free stuff I guess.