I've learned that I constantly need to evaluate, examine and question not only my bad habits, but the underlying beliefs which inform and shape my actions each day.
YES!! I feel like this every day. I have been thinking about minimal living since reading Marie Kondo's book and following her advice. I have decided to get rid of most of my clothes and shoes, my books and magazines, my art supplies and even my clothes hangers. I'm donating or giving away everything I don't use or want. I had to buy a whole new wardrobe after losing weight and I still have a ton of clothes I don't wear. I just felt like I needed to do this. Thanks for sharing your tesimonials and thoughts! 🌸
I seem to go in waves - there's a sharp crest of NEEDING to do a next-level clearing, followed by a kind of appreciating-pondering phase - sort of like a gardener wondering if she's pruned quite hard enough.
Glad you found benefit in the post. People losing weight is a tough one. Am always torn when I want to USEFULLY get rid of stuff but can't find a good rehoming option and don't want to contribute to the waste in the world.
I'm feeling a POST about this Minimalism conundrum may be burbling....