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RE: A minimalist wallet: yey or nay?

in The MINIMALIST4 months ago

I went with a minimalist leather wallet almost a decade ago now, and haven't looked back since! It contains exactly what I need, nothing more, and the best part about it is that most importantly, it fits in my front pocket where it belongs.

Besides less chance of it getting stolen out of my pocket while I'm walking around, I can't recommend enough putting your wallet in your front pocket. Anything we do to put things in our back pocket besides a slip of paper or something, tilts our pelvis by very small amounts when we are sitting down. This imbalance will lead to later complications and pains in life.

Any man I see who sits on his wallet, I tell him about this because this happened to me! My wallet messed up the alignment of my pelvis and lower back and ended up causing me a decent amount of pain but I thankfully adjusted it back and haven't had issues in many years.

Just food for thought man! :D


On point! The wallet syndrome is real. I have quite a lot of imbalances while cycling because of a tilted pelvis -- wallet on my right pocket and years of sitting with legs crossed may have helped. Left piriformis is messes up, shorter leg, shorter hamstring and if I don't stretch regularly, it sparkles my cyatic a little bit.

The good thing about minimalist wallets is that they are compact, ultra thin and won't weight on our trousers haha

Never cross your legs!!!!

Fuck me! I read this while having my legs crossed (uncrossed now). No joke.

It's a hard habit to break!