Recently I had at home the visit of old friends to whom I am very fond of, seeing them filled me with great joy and sharing with them those days caused me great illusion, when you see again people with whom you spent such good times you feel like a child to plan a reunion, for a moment I was very worried because I wanted to offer them a comfortable place and taking advantage that I had vacated one of the rooms in my house, that would be the ideal place to place a bed in which they could sleep.
This happy situation became a little uncomfortable for me, I felt very worried that my dear friends would feel uncomfortable, at that time I thought of some furniture and decorations that I would have liked to have to make that room much nicer and for several days I went into the room again and again to think what I could do to make it look better, because in it there was only one bed and it looked very empty, although I was happy that they came, the feeling that it was not enough for them was there.
After a few days my friends arrived, I was very happy so I postponed as much as I could to show them the place where they were going to sleep, until I could not do it anymore, I took them to the room and to my surprise, without me saying anything at all they said they loved the rooms like that, they said they were the best places to rest, there was space to put their suitcases. That surprised me a lot, because there are days when even though we have a way of life, we worry that it is not compatible with the people we love.

Image by Kayley Dlugos
I try to lead a life as simple as possible and I like to live like that, I have obtained tranquility and peace in my home, but even so there are days when it is difficult, especially when we want to give something to our friends that goes better with them, this situation made me spend some days uncomfortable, but when they said that, I could not but smile and be very happy, because definitely what matters for people who love us, is to spend time with us and have our company, stressing about what we do not have sometimes is in vain.
These days with them were wonderful, we spent a lot of time together, we talked, ate and even played, after these days passed I learned a valuable lesson that I will not forget, it is never about material possessions, but about those efforts we make to have the people we love a few days with us, my friends valued that effort and just like me, they only wanted to spend time with me and my family, they didn't care where they would say or if the room was almost completely empty, understanding this made me feel happy, having such valuable people in my life makes me feel like a millionaire, even though I have little.
I agree that making time for the people we love, to do happy activities together, can uplift our spirits. Very rarely, you'll find that the people who truly care about you, will make your environment/surrounding a priority. However, I understand your desire to have a minimalist, relaxing, and harmonious space.
Thanks for stopping by:)
Yes, sometimes we know this, but how nice it is that people who love us remind us once again, I had a relaxing atmosphere as well as my friends and I felt very happy, thank you for reading my post.
It was wonderful to read your pots!!! I believe like you that the most valuable thing in life are those moments with loved ones. Sometimes when we have family we forget to take care of those valuable bonds of friendship that enrich our existence, it is very important to make bridges that unite our lives!!!!! I'm glad you had that joy!!!!!