
Just by reading your post in your words it can be seen that you have and enjoy a higher connection with everything. You are blessed for that as the evolution of each human being is their responsibility and it is certainly not an easy task. The fact that you are at that level means that you have done the job and I congratulate you for that! More do not stop following the path with perseverance and dedication, because this work never ends! Grateful for your post @chaodietas! You transmit a lot of peace through them!

Hi @ebermudez,

It is a long road, I am still at the beginning of the road, I hope to learn those things that will help me to transcend. Nature has been a great teacher for me,

Thank you for your nice comment, blessings!

A very nice post you put together here. The pictures are great and they help us have a glimpse of your tale.

Truth is I'm very scared of insects except butterfly. I always feel like they are all harmful. I guess I'll begin to make researches about the ones I come across just like you.

The beauty of nature cannot just be denied, it's simply amazing. Well done dear 🥰

Hi @didiee,

There are many insects that contribute to ecological well-being. I have had to rescue some of them. On one occasion due to the abundant rains some beetles took refuge in the entrance of my house, something like that to avoid drowning, but as the floor has a smooth surface the beetles stay upside down and if you don't turn them over they die. so I had to put on a glove and carefully turn them over and take them to the garden...that has been a great challenge hahaha

Thanks for reading my post 😃

Nice post and beautiful pictures!

When I am surrounded by nature, it is impossible not to believe in God or in that intangible universal force, of which we are a part.

Oh, boy. It's attractive reasoning, but unfortunately it's fallacious. It's known as confirmation bias or cherrypicking. The thing is that there are many horrible things in nature, such as parasites and cancer, to give a couple of classic examples, that easily undermine the "impossibility" you mention. Just happened to be watching a documentary today about Asian hornets invading bee hives and massacring them to take the hive and its resources. I felt terrible for the little bees, but the hornets were forced to go to "war" in order to survive.

Hi @eniolw,

If we take away the divine conception of nature, she is the living sample of duality, things happen that we appreciate as good and things happen that we qualify as horrible. In the end, there is an intrinsic balance in the trophic chains of an ecosystem. Bees in large numbers and without resources are predators of other living things. Let's not talk about their mechanisms of swarming to kill the wasps that prey on them. Where does this group intelligence of action that tries to balance the scales come from?

In the case of cancer, it is one more disease that man faces for his "survival". The fact that it is a disease with the stigma of "death" does not mean that at the cellular level it does not induce a battle to achieve an immunological balance to defeat those cells that are out of the pattern of the functioning of the others.

Anyway, I could also talk about parasites. These are intelligent beings that do not kill their host, on the contrary, they only need to weaken it, but they need it alive in order to guarantee their survival. However, if we approach it from the point of view that we are matter, in order to transform itself, matter needs variables that make it evolve towards something else by changing its initial state. The balance of energy in the process of transformation of matter is governed by something. It makes me happy to think that it is called God or simply an undeniable energy that impacts us all even if we do not see it.

Thanks for visiting my post, I appreciate it!

If we take away the divine conception of nature, she is the living sample of duality, things happen that we appreciate as good and things happen that we qualify as horrible.

I know. The point of the objection is that we can't only appeal to the good things to make a case while ignoring the bad things that hamper that very case. Nature has both beautiful and awful things. I could grant that if there's an entity or force responsible for the good things, then it has to be responsible for the bad things as well.

Where does this group intelligence of action that tries to balance the scales come from?

The most plausible explanation is that it's the product of many years of evolution. The documentary I mentioned showed how the Asian bees had effective defensive strategies to battle the invader Asian hornets and even succeed. They said the bees can do so because both species have been evolving and cohabiting together for a while. However, in the same documentary they said that those Asian hornets where taken to Europe, a different ecosystem, and when they started to invade the hives, the European bees could not put up any defense. They were slaughtered despite they were only 30 hornets vs 30,000 bees. The thing is the European bees didn't evolve along with the Asian hornets, so they weren't smart enough to protect themselves.

Thanks for visiting my post, I appreciate it!

Sure, I'm constantly reading posts.

Of course, and that's the wonderful thing about dissertations on the blockchain. They are enriching.

 2 years ago (edited) 

Hello @chaodietas

Your post is so touching, and a lovely video!

I connected with all this, and the video made me smile. It was beautiful to watch. I see laughter and happiness in the leaves blowing in the trees and the same with birds flying high.

Every time I have encountered an insect, I photograph and research it.

This is a brilliant idea. I'm not comfortable with insects and crawlies at all. I hate anything that crawls, but I'm not sure where the discomfort I feel with flying insects came about. I need to look into that. I admit that they are stunningly beautiful in the photos and I love them in the photos... and I am absolutely guilty of what you've mentioned about attacking the unknown when it comes to insects. So, what you do is admirable by photographing them and researching them.

Watching this brings me a lot of peace, and I can perceive the freedom of these birds, something that reminds me that we are free. We cannot let anyone or anything imprison us. Being free we can fly to the fullest.

💯% I concur that!

Nature is everything:)))

small KISS Gif.gif
Thanks for your #KISS
I enjoyed it 😉

lips sealed

speaking lips

Hi @millycf1976,

When you see everything as a whole it is magical, it is a feeling of fullness that becomes more intense when you feel part of that whole.

I couldn't help but share the video, I wanted to give you a little bit of what I experience every day on my walks in the forest.

Thank you very much for your visit 🐝🌻🌞

 2 years ago  

I agree with you completely, and I enjoyed the video immensely.

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