My journey from prepper to simple living / #KISS Week 42

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

For a long time, I received many signals that I was living in an accelerated way. I thought that some practices I was doing were saving me stress and money, but on the contrary, these practices were causing me a lot of anxiety. What was I doing wrong? That was one of the questions I asked myself, and so I started to be aware of what was happening to me.

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Our childhood experiences and our family environment mark the way we conceive our surroundings and future. For many reasons that are not relevant to detail, my mother was always a woman of foresight. She always acted based on being prepared "just in case". It was something I learned, and when I became an adult, I took this characteristic of "being foresighted" to the limit and became a prepper.

Preppers are always waiting for something bad to happen, so they become obsessed with being prepared to "survive". It ranges from learning to be self-sustaining (which is not such a bad thing), and the extreme part is becoming compulsive accumulators.



So, after a while, my cupboards were full of food for six months, and so was my medicine inventory. When I opened one package, I would immediately buy three more "to replenish" so that I would never run out. Always waiting for something bad to happen. What was driving all this in me?



Years went by and nothing serious happened. Thus, many foodstuffs expired, as did medicines and other products (batteries, candles, matches, personal hygiene products). The sad thing was to have to throw all this away, and no one would take advantage of it. It was absurd! Many people in need, and I was wasting it! And if we were to look at it, it was a great amount of money that was being kept in the garbage.



The first sign was when the shelves in my house were not enough for storage. What was happening to me? I took some time to reflect on this and discovered that all my actions were motivated by "fear". Fear of something happening, fear of not being able to control my environment and circumstances, fear of uncertainty, fear of losing my loved ones.

The moment I freed myself from fear, everything began to flow harmoniously. Getting rid of the things I accumulated at home "just in case they were needed" was no longer my priority. I began to live more consciously, applying the maxim of one day at a time! So I started consuming all the accumulated food and didn't buy any more until it was gone. My current purchases are more conscious, and I use what is left over in money to enjoy recreational activities with my family. Trips are experiences that do not take up physical space but the good moments remain in the soul.



I still have a long way to go. I don't define myself as a minimalist, but I changed a life of stress and accumulation for a more practical and simple life. I have gotten rid of many objects that served no function in my home. I have fewer things to clean and worry about.

I still have challenges to meet such as donating my recipes books collection and many of the clothes that are still sitting in my closet unused. The more clarity there is in our thoughts, the easier it is to stick with just the basics. I recently got rid of my 15+ year record collection, so I think I'm on the right way.

Will I achieve my long-awaited dream of having what I need to live in a tiny house? We'll see in the meantime, I'm happy with my process of adopting a simple living. I'm not looking to "survive" anymore, I'm just living!

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Thanks for reading. See you in next post!

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Can't agree more with this mindset. I guess the majority of us are programmed to prepare for the worst to come especially with the goods in the household. I remember myself purchasing stuff because at the back of my mind "I might need this in the future" but apparently I did not use it. Same with you some of them just perished.

It's true! We cannot predict the future but we must be confident that even if difficulties arise we will have the courage to move forward.

I thought that "having something because I might need it" was something that only happened to me, but I think it is very common nowadays.

Thanks for stopping by!

 2 years ago  

I agree that fear is what drives us to accumulate much of what we store excessively in our homes.
I'm happy that you had the courage to tackle this problem:))
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Thanks for your #KISS
I enjoyed it 😉

lips sealed

speaking lips

It's amazing the things we do out of fear and the things we fail to do. Sometimes it is necessary to question ourselves about why we do things. It has allowed me to know myself better and work on those things I need to let go of.

Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you enjoyed this post. 😃

Excellent post @chaodietas! I was able to laugh for a while at the way you comment "be prepared for what may happen", it really is useless to waste energy in that way of life and thinking. In your post are exactly the words that describe the way I want to live. I would love to live in Japanese customs! I don't see a better way to be really happy! Thanks for your post! I value it very much!

Oh yes, you can't waste your present anguishing over the future or at least trying to cover the details of something that hasn't happened yet. In this aspect the oriental culture has a lot to teach us. I try every day to learn to live more fully and unattached. That makes me happy.

I hope you achieve the lifestyle you desire, I know you deserve it.

Thank you very much for stopping by!

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