The "more" that gives me joy and fulfilment everytime.

in The MINIMALIST4 months ago

Right from when I was little I love staying alone,I tend to think more,pray more and read more anytime I'm alone,for people thinking if I feel lonely sometimes,yes sometimes I feel like going out to explore but trust me I love staying in door most of the time because I am an introvert.

There are things around me that gives me joy but more to it is the things within me,I know there are alot inside of me that are yet to be unleashed but when I find myself doing them I realize I have so much more to give to the world I'm right in.

I'm good with talking,alot of ideas just comes ,my friends comes to me for advice and God has helped me alot to navigate that,I find joy and fulfilment in that.

Another way to explore the more within me is cooking,I can literally think about a new meal for the family, I always think about what new meal I needed to cook apart from the ones people already know about,I just like to explore when it comes to cooking.

Some people will say cooking is an hobby but to me cooking is not just an hobby,to me it's what I give to the community,I find joy in doing it,Apart from the fact that I am a caterer, before I even learnt the skill,I was already doing it for people,and when I learnt the skill,I did more of it to help people out,I remember when we were doing our food week in school,I was the welfare director and the next session I decided not to go for the post,I told someone else to go for the post but I helped with the cooking,I didn't mind the fact that I wasn't there again,I cooked the jollofrice and I told my friend to help me out because I couldn't do it alone.

Another way to explore is church activities,I love that so much,I always love to be involve in programs,concert outreaches and so on.
it gives me the satisfaction I want within.

There was a time I was asked to preach,I was sacred at first but I did it and I was so happy I did,God used me to shed light to the darkness some people were going through,trust me that is another way to explore that more within me.

Pictures used are mine

 4 months ago  


Being in the house of God and doing His work is one amazing way to explore the potential in us, finding the more that completes us.

It’s good you have come to know what brings out the more in you. Cooking is a great hobby. And if it brings out the more in you please keep up with it☺️