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RE: Values That Shape Minimal Living

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago (edited)

Your husband is definitely intuitive and SMART. I actually burned all the photos from my second unhappy marriage. And kept ONE nice image of my then husband, from before we were married, the way I CHOOSE to remember him.

It's true that the memory ties of things - even our so-called favourites - are often unconscious... and that letting anything ambivalent go is a game changer.

Appreciating the good vibes - the fan clan application office is to yor right, down the hall, third door on the left. 😆


Thanks for creating some really thought provoking questions in this community. I'm trying to get back to my daily posting regime and intending to be more regular here. xxx

 2 years ago  

It's my pleasure, and I'm always impressed by the different views and words of wisdom shared. I do hope that you'll get back to regular blogging:)))