Travelling light in 2025

in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

No matter your steeze; no matter your gait; no matter how much you know how to carry yourself, your head must shake. This means as humans, there's no how we won't step on each other's toe. We do things together; transaction takes two or more people; fellowship takes two or more people; relationship takes two or more people, even friendship takes two or more people. It really takes two to tango and we need one another to survive.

However, things happen, we sometimes misunderstand or misconstrue one another which may eventually lead to anger, bitterness, strife or cause enmity. I then look at it, how many people do we want to fight, how many enemies do we want to keep? Or how soon do we want to die. Yes, death! If we decide to be too tight, bottling irrelevant things, keep account of wrong of doings and refuse to let go of some offences, worst thing may happen. This points us to the need to embrace simplicity.

This is where the concept of "travelling light" comes in. As a minimalist, I prioritize peace, sanity, and joy. I cut down on emotional baggage, forgiving and forgetting offenses that could dampen my spirit.

My high school teacher once likened the heart that harbors resentment to rotten mangoes tied in a polythene bag. This powerful metaphor reminds me to avoid extremism and instead choose to let go.
In this year 2025, I will commit to travelling light, forsaking things that could harm my mental health and embracing those that bring me joy. One thing that has been keeping me in the right state of mind in the midst of challenges is that, I remind myself that I'm not alone in my struggles we're all navigating life's challenges together in the world has a whole. So, the best way to enjoy ourselves is to embrace oneness. By recognizing our shared humanity, I can find common ground with others, cultivate empathy, and work toward understanding and forgiveness one another.

As I journey through life, I've come to also realize that holding onto grudges and negative emotions is a heavy burden. It's like carrying a weight that slowly drains our energy and lifelines. By letting go of these emotional toxins, I can travel lighter, live more freely, and find more joy and peace. I've also learned that forgiveness is not just about others, but also about myself. When I forgive, I release myself from the burden of resentment and anger. I free myself to live in the present, to love more deeply, and to find more meaning and purpose in life.

No matter how the world values complexity and noise, I choose to prioritize simplicity and peace. I'm choosing to travel light, to let go of emotional baggage, and to embrace oneness. By doing so, I hope to find more joy, peace, and fulfillment in the year ahead.
Thanks for reading.

All pictures are mine and they are taking using my phone.

 2 months ago  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

Congratulations, you have received support from Ecency through curator @reachdreams

Thanks so much.

The metaphor about the heart harboring resentment being like rotten mangoes in a polythene bag is so vivid and striking, it perfectly captures how toxic and draining it can be to hold onto negativity. Choosing to let go and embrace oneness not only benefits our mental health but also strengthens our relationships and sense of community.

I especially love how you emphasized that forgiveness is not just for others but for yourself too, it's liberating and allows us to live more fully in the present. Your perspective is a beautiful reminder to all of us to take a step back, reflect, and consciously choose joy, empathy, and simplicity. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt piece!

Honestly, you have made a good decision to travel light in 2025 and you will enjoy life a lot more this way.

There was a time I had so much in my baggage and life was difficult even though I thought I was doing well. Thanks for sharing your story.

Thanks so much for the comment.