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RE: The date

in Music2 years ago

I think that's one of the beautiful things about art, it is often a snapshot of life itself and promotes conversation.

Yep, I agree, and would add that art is intended to provoke an emotional response, either positive or negative. If it doesn't, then it has failed.

I've personally had a few dates that run the gamut, from exciting (back of an empty movie theatre), to boring (front of an empty movie theatre), and all in between. Parks with playgrounds are fun as they provide something to do. Zoo's are good, too, because if the conversation goes really south, there is still something to discuss and distract with.

I think the right term from my perspective is, "Yeah, been there, failed that." 😂


Lol, the front/back comment made me laugh.

I think what might be construed as good by one may be bad by's subjective and specific to the two people. I think there's a few in which I'd have done things differently, but generally I'm content with how they've been. Another tomorrow night so, yeah...let's see if it is *back of the movie theatre style or front. 😁

Have a good weekend mate.