Hi Guys!
Long time no see. Back to school for us here in BC, Canada, started last Thursday, pretty hectic already 😁 For the 1st time also, we had to purchase school supply ourselves. Normally just handed some $ to school and they would supply it for the kids. This was new to us. Of course, new school, new everything, but was funny running around town trying to find this and that 😅
And guess what? Can't stop, won't stop. After learning ukulele, now am learning to play piano, AT LAST. Woo-hoo 💃🕺💃🕺
Dear husband surprised us with a piano on Saturday, and I have been teaching myself how to play. Today is day 3 and I still suck 🤣
I think...I love piano better than ukuleleing, but my gosh, I don't speak music sheet. Haaaarddddd.
So am lost and most of the time so far, just finding keys myself, through sounds, trying this and that 🤣
I started watching simplypiano app, but of course it requires $$$$ and am cheap 🤣 Hive is still on earth, so I don't wanna spend $$$$ 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I went to reddit and browsed around, what easy songs for begginer would be. I ended up trying many Radiohead's songs ❤❤❤❤
In the video you will find my tries of Radiohead, Taylor Swift, Madonna, The Beatles, Selena Gomez, Anggun, Bon Jovi, Majandra Delfino, Katy Perry.
Kittens bugging, kids bugging (esp since we had sleepover so house was noisy), husband was hovering. Seriously, fun learning I have been having 🤣
But yeah, can't stop, won't stop, even in my forty fi...I mean 38 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am excited to learn 😍😍😍😍
See you soon again!
Nice :-)
Yay for piano! Harder than ukelele? XD
There's schools that supply stuff when you give them money? o_O
yes muuuuccch harder, fingers so short and stiff 😆
For the past 5 years, we only paid supply fees
This was our 1st buying ourselves 😄