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RE: Alternative Weekend: Numph

in Music4 years ago

They have some cool tunes. I hope they are still collecting their royalties even if they are not recording. I've just found that a lot of artists I like happen to be on Bandcamp and listening to some has led to others.


I do wonder how much of that 7 Euros and something cents they get? I could get used to this paying for music thing, I always associated it with the horrible DRM crap, you remember that?

If it's good, the artist should get something. Maybe my Pirate genes are fading away in old age?

Bandcamp take 15% on downloads and 10% on physical media. I don't think that is too bad. I've followed you on there so I can see what you buy.

There doesn't seem to be a Prog section on Bandcamp.., is it too out of date to even be considered a genre now? Alternate is the closest.

There are prog rock and progressive rock genres there. No idea what the difference is.