Happy Monday, happy week and HAPPY HOLIDAYS, may this month of December 2024 be full of joy, health and prosperity. Today I returned to another MUSICAL MONDAY, the musical initiative created by @eugelys, an ideal space to share all our experiences, opinions and musical tastes, regardless of whether we are musicians or not.

Días atrás estuve arreglando algunos armarios en casa, y encontré un vinilo que es un clásico de la música tradicional venezolana, específicamente de la música navideña, y se trata de un disco del coro infantil LOS TUCUSITOS, toda una institución musical, que por décadas hizo música navideña, especialmente aguinaldos y parrandas. Recuerdo que de niña en cada Navidad, era usual oír canciones de Los Tucusitos, tanto en la escuela, como en la casa, en todas partes, siempre en las emisoras radiales ponían sus bellas canciones.
A few days ago I was organizing some closets at home, and I found a vinyl that is a classic of traditional Venezuelan music, specifically Christmas music, and it is an album by the children's choir LOS TUCUSITOS, a true musical . Institution, which for decades made Christmas music, especially aguinaldos and parrandas. I remember that when I was a child, every Christmas it was common to listen to songs by Los Tucusitos, both at school and at home, everywhere, they always played their beautiful songs on the radio stations.

So that those people who do not know LOS TUCUSITOS understand the importance of this children's choir, it is enough to say that it was formed on November 4, 1959, that is, they have been making music for 65 years!!!! It's a long time for any music group. The origins of LOS TUCUSITOS are simple: A teacher named Moisés Peña, who taught at the “Crucita Delgado” National School, located in La Pastora Parish, Caracas, Venezuela, founded this musical group, and he promoted it for decades, until his death in 1997, although this institution remained active, I think until today, (to be honest, I did not find updated information about the group).

As I was able to investigate, in 2019, this children's choir had 100 active members, and had created a school of the same name, to teach music to children and adolescents. For those who do not know what the word TUCUSITO means, it is the name by which in Venezuela we call the beautiful HUMMINGBIRDS, and this name is due to the fact that their first song that was a success was the song “Tucusito”, and people in the audience identified them as LOS TUCUSITOS, so they took that name for the group.

This album that I found brought back pleasant memories, because those Christmas celebrations at school came to my memory, when the teachers taught us the same songs from LOS TUCUSITOS, so that we could sing them at the Christmas celebrations. How different from today, when I have seen how in some schools, they omit traditional Christmas music and play that inaudible and pornographic thing called reggaeton. With that said, let's look at my three songs today.

This vinyl was released to celebrate 10 years of LOS TUCUSITOS, so it corresponds to 1969 – 1970. The label in charge was VELVET, and it was distributed by the National Record Distributor. The aesthetic of the cover is typical of that moment, and is representative of the ethnic and cultural mix of my country, since on the cover there are three children with musical instruments: A white child, an Indian child and a black child. On the cover we can read the name of the director and founder of the group, maestro Moisés Peña. This album has 12 songs, all Christmas songs, and for today I have selected the three that I like the most. That being said, let's look at my songs today.

Mis canciones para este Musical Monday / My songs for this Musical Monday
I want to start this MUSICAL MONDAY, with the party: SON ORIENTAL, a cheerful Christmas song, whose author is Juan Muñoz. It is a song that condenses the joy of Christmas in Venezuela. The voices of the choir, the soloist and the sound of the cuatro create a beautiful harmony.

My next melody is of delicate, subtle and unique beauty; and it is IF AT NIGHT YOU SEE THAT THEY SHINE, a beautiful choral song, whose author is the maestro Vicente Emilio Sojo. In this performance there is no instrumental accompaniment, only the voices of LOS TUCUSITOS, make a unique magic. Below is the audio of this beautiful song.

And to end this Christmas MUSICAL MONDAY, I want to leave you the beautiful Christmas bonus LOS PASTORS, whose author is Marinela Pérez. This is a beautiful and joyful song of praise to the Child God, inviting the shepherds to go and meet and praise the Son of God. It is a beautiful song, which reminds us of the essence of Christmas. I also share the audio with you.

Esta ha sido mi participación de esta semana para esta estupenda iniciativa de @eugelys, compartiendo con todos ustedes un disco y tres canciones de una institución musical venezolana: LOS TUCUSITOS
This has been my participation this week for this wonderful initiative by @eugelys, sharing with all of you an album and three songs from a Venezuelan musical institution: LOS TUCUSITOS

- Las fotos incluidas en este post son de mi autoría, y fueron tomadas con un teléfono inteligente REDMI 9A // The photos included in this post are my own, and were taken with a REDMI 9A smartphone
- Los divisores son de libre uso y se pueden encontrar / Dividers are free to use and can be found:

Todo el contenido, (excepto los enlaces de YouTube y los divisores), es de mi propiedad y está sujeto a derechos de autor // All content (except th YouTube links and dividers), is my property and subject to copyrigh

Delegations welcome!

Hermosas melodías amiga me gusto mucho la primera y voy aprendiendo un poco de las culturas no sabia que se le llamaba parranda
Hola @isbelhiv02
Siento responder tan tarde, a diario me interrumpen el servicio eléctrico, y bueno...
Sí, en Venezuela a las canciones de Navidad se les llaman villancicos, aguinaldos y parrandas, dependiendo del tipo.
Me alegra que te haya gustado la primera, todas son bonitas y son fiel reflejo de nuestra cultura.
Que tengas un estupendo día.
Sii es una cultura hermosa sin ninguna duda, un abrazo amiga