Duran Duran for Three Tune Tuesday, Week 71 [Esp/Eng]

in Music2 years ago

Saludos en este martes, en un nuevo Three Tune Tuesday, espacio de encuentro, que para hoy corresponde a la edición número 71. Esta iniciativa tan genial ha sido creada por el amigo @ablaze, a fin de que todos quienes hacemos vida en la blockchain, traer esas canciones que nos gustan y consideramos que son merecedoras de ser conocidas.

Greetings on this Tuesday, in a new Three Tune Tuesday, meeting space, which for today corresponds to the 71st edition. This brilliant initiative has been created by the friend @ablaze, so that those who make life in the blockchain, bring those songs that we like and we consider that they are worthy of being known.

Para hoy también les traigo otra buena banda ochentosa y noventosa, y me refiero a Duran Duran, un grupo británico, que si bien no hizo rock, trabajó con distintos ritmos, logrando fusiones musicalmente muy interesantes; y si bien, yo siempre me decantaba por el rock, no me cerraba a oír otros ritmos, total, la música es amplia, bella y grandiosa.

For today I also bring you another good eighties and nineties band, and I am referring to Duran Duran, a British group that, although they did not play rock, worked with different rhythms, achieving musically very interesting fusions; and although I always opted for rock, I was not closed to listening to other rhythms, all in all, the music is wide, beautiful and grandiose.

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A Duran Duran los conocí en los tempranos ochentas, gracias a las emisoras de radio de mi ciudad y en las guerras de minitecas, especialmente por la canción Hungry Like The Wolf y también por la bella Save A Prayer. Siempre me impresionó la versatilidad de esta banda, que podía componer e interpretar una canción muy enérgica, y otra sublime y sutil, además, sus letras eran bien interesantes.

I met Duran Duran in the early eighties, thanks to the radio stations in my city and in the wars of minitecas, especially for the song Hungry Like The Wolf, and also for the beautiful Save A Prayer. I was always impressed by the versatility of this band, that they could write and perform a very energetic song, and another sublime and subtle one, in addition, their lyrics were very interesting.

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El disco que hoy les traigo es Big Thing, que salió a la venta en mi país, Venezuela, en el año 1988. Este disco lo compré luego, en 1990 o 1991, no recuerdo la fecha exacta; y lo compré porque Duran Duran es un gran grupo, con hermosas melodías y buenas letras. Algunas de sus canciones siempre sonaban en las emisoras, aún cuando tenían tiempo de haber sido grandes hits, y pues apenas pude, fui a mi discotienda y me compré este acetato, el cual como pueden observar en las fotos, tiene una carátula muy llamativa, haciendo honor a su título, con letras enormes, y colores bien llamativos, una combinación de tonos y formas que se utilizó bastante a finales de los 80 e inicios de los 90. Extrañamente en su contraportada, no están los nombres de las 12 canciones que componen este LP, creo recordar que traía un cancionero, (como casi todos los acetatos de la época), pero las sucesivas mudanzas dieron al traste con él. Tampoco recuerdo el precio exacto, ya que el disco fue remarcado, al remover la etiqueta que tiene puesta, puedo ver que su precio de venta original era de 140,00 Bolívares, que en 1988, equivalían a 3.56 dólares americanos.

The album that I bring you today is Big Thing, which was released in my country, Venezuela, in 1988. I bought this album later, in 1990 or 1991, I don't remember the exact date; and I bought it because Duran Duran is a great group, with beautiful melodies and good lyrics. Some of his songs always played on the stations, even when they had time to have been great hits, and as soon as I could, I went to my disco store and bought this acetate, which, as you can see in the photos, has a very striking cover, honoring its title, with huge letters, and very striking colors, a combination of tones and shapes that was used a lot in the late 80s and early 90s. Strangely, on its back cover, there are no names of the 12 songs that compose this LP, I seem to remember that it brought a songbook, (as almost all the acetates of the time), but the successive changes ruined it. I don't remember the exact price either, since the record was marked up, by removing the label on it, I can see that its original sale price was 140.00 Bolívares, which in 1988 was equivalent to 3.56 US dollars.

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Bueno, ya a inicios de los 90 yo iba de vez en vez a discotecas, no mucho, para ser franca; pero siempre que yo iba oía algo de Duran Duran, así fuese un trozo de canción. Así que cuando compré este disco lo hice para ver si la magia de sus discos anteriores se repetía, y si bien no hay canciones fabulosas en éste, hay algunas bastante buenas, que a mí particularmente, me gustaron y aún me gustan, pues la melodía y las letras son chéveres. Cabe señalar que este disco fue producido bajo licencia de Emi Records por Emi Rodven en Venezuela, siendo comercializado por toda la cadena de Sonorodven.

Well, in the early 90s I used to go to clubs from time to time, not much, to be honest; but whenever I went I heard something from Duran Duran, even if it was a piece of song. So when I bought this album I did it to see if the magic of their previous albums would be repeated, and although there are no fabulous songs on this one, there are some quite good ones, which I particularly liked and still like, because the melody and the lyrics are cool. It should be noted that this album was produced under license from Emi Records by Emi Rodven in Venezuela, being marketed by the entire Sonorodven chain.

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Ahora vamos con mis canciones / Now let's go with my songs

Comienzo mi trío de canciones con la melodía "Do You Believe In Shame", que corresponde al primer surco del lado B del acetato, (de hecho, sólo traje canciones de ese lado del disco). Esta canción me gusta mucho, porque tiene una hermosa melodía, realmente buena, y también plantea preguntas que si bien podrían ser simples, si se miran de cerca, son profundas, existenciales; y esto cobró especial importancia para mí, cuando ya iniciaba mis 20 años, pues estaba en una profunda transformación personal, que me obligó a madurar muy rápido, y dentro de estos aspectos, obviamente, está el amor. Miren esta pregunta con la cual inicia esta canción:

¿Crees en el amor?

¿Crees en la vergüenza?

Y si el amor puede conquistarlo todo, ¿por qué?

¿Solo sentimos el dolor?

Aquí les dejo el video oficial, que es bastante interesante.

I start my trio of songs with the melody "Do You Believe In Shame", which corresponds to the first groove of the B side of the acetate, (in fact, I only brought songs from that side of the album). I like this song a lot, because it has a beautiful melody, really good, and it also raises questions that, although they could be simple, if you look closely, they are deep, existential; and this took on special importance for me, when I was already beginning my 20 years, because I was in a deep personal transformation, which forced me to mature very quickly, and within these aspects, obviously, there is love. Look at this question with which this song begins:

Do you believe in love?

Do you believe in shame?

And if love can conquer all then why

Do we only feel the pain?

Here I leave the official video, which is quite interesting.

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La siguiente canción que traigo es “Palomino”, y en esta ocasión les dejo el video en directo. Esta canción me gusta por su bella melodía, que tiene reminiscencias de blues, (esa guitarra y el saxo suenan precioso), y por la letra, que a su vez me recuerda una canción del gran Fito Páez, la muy conocida Polaroid de Locura Ordinaria. Ambas canciones tratan ese tema en que una persona se puede perder en las brumas de la noche (por decirlo de algún modo), un aspecto de la naturaleza humana que siempre me ha intrigado. Veamos parte de su letra y luego disfruten del video en directo.

Ella se acuesta en la pared

Viendo a los extraños alejarse

El aura del mediodía es espesa

Con el sol de Arabia

Ella entrega sus voces

Se reúnen en el viento

Hablar, cantar, respirar

En su cuerpo, ayer

Despertado al lado

El olor a azúcar quemada en su piel

The next song I bring is “Palomino”, and this time I leave you the live video. I like this song for its beautiful melody, which is reminiscent of blues, (that guitar and sax sound beautiful), and for the lyrics, which in turn remind me of a song by the great Fito Páez, the well-known Polaroid of Ordinary Madness. Both songs deal with the theme that a person can get lost in the mists of the night (so to speak), an aspect of human nature that has always intrigued me. Let's see some of his lyrics and then enjoy the live video.

She lays on the wall

Watching the strangers drift away

Mid-day's aura thick

With the sun of Arabia

She surrenders her voices

They gather on the wind

Talking, chanting, breathing

Into her body, yesterdays

Awakened beside

The scent of burned sugar on her skin

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Cierro mi trío de canciones con la bella melodía Land, la cual, además de su hermosa música, tiene una linda letra, que bien merece ser conocida y celebrada. Esta canción me acompañó luego, en un punto de mi vida, en que tenía en cierta medida que migrar, y siempre que migramos así sea dentro de tu mismo país, por circunstancias que tú no has elegido conscientemente, es un proceso difícil; por eso la recuerdo y la quise traer para compartirla en este especial martes. Aquí les muestro un poco de su letra:

Lejos de ti, lejos de aquí

Lejos de tí

Quédate por mí, quédate por mí

Quédate por mí

Cariño, lo siento mucho

Por romper tu sueño cuando es tan temprano

Faros en tu ventana

Se están perdiendo a la luz del día

mañana es hoy

Y pronto mi barco zarpará

Lejos de aquí

Para caminar por un carril de mar aullando

quédate aquí por mí

Tu amor es vida, porque el amor es tierra

Cariño, solo escucha mi historia

Antes de irme, antes de escribir el final

De pie al otro lado de la corriente del océano

Necesitaré saber, necesitaré tu país entonces

mañana y hoy

I close my trio of songs with the beautiful melody Land, which in addition to its beautiful music, has beautiful lyrics that deserve to be known and celebrated. This song accompanied me later, at a time in my life, when I had to migrate, and whenever we migrate, even if it is within your own country, due to circumstances that you have not consciously chosen, it is a difficult process; that's why I remember it and I wanted to bring it to share it on this very special Tuesday. Here are some of his lyrics:

Away from you, away from here

Away from you

Stay for me, stay for me

Stay for me

Baby, I'm really sorry

To break your dream when it's so early

Headlights on your windowpane

They're getting lost in the light of day

Tomorrow is today

And soon my ship will sail

Away from here

To walk a howling sea lane

Stay here for me

Your love is life, for love is land

Baby, just hear my story

Before I leave, before we write the end

Standing across the ocean stream

I'll need to know, I'll need your country then

Tomorrow and today

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Este ha sido mi aporte para esta genial iniciativa del amigo @ablaze en su edición número 71, a manera de homenaje a una banda británica, versátil y única, como es Duran Duran.

This has been my contribution to this great initiative by my friend @ablaze in its 71st edition, as a tribute to a versatile and unique British band: Duran Duran.

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Aquí puedes ver mis otras participaciones en esta iniciativa / Here you can see my others participations in this initiative

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Bibliografía / Bibliography

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Fuentes de las Imágenes / Image sources

  • Todas las fotos de este post son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Xiomi REDMI 8 A // These photos are my own, and were taken with a Xiomi REDMI 8 A phone

  • Los divisores son de libre uso y se pueden encontrar / Dividers are free to use and can be found:

aquí / here

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  • En caso de que se requiera utilizar el contenido o las imágenes de este post y de mis otras publicaciones, agradecería que se hiciera referencia a mi autoría (Fabiola Martínez) y se citara el enlace correspondiente. Gracias. // In case it is required to use the content or images of this post and of my other publications, I would appreciate if you could refer to my authorship (Fabiola Martínez) and cite the corresponding link. Thanks.


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Great choice, my favorite Duran Duran is Ordinary World.

Hi @mypathtofire! Thanks for your visit to my post. Yes, that Duran Duran song is great too, I like it a lot, and what I like most about the group is their versatility and also their sense of coherence, even when they experiment with so many rhythms. I already saw your Rammstein #ttt, I loved your songs, I'm going there right now. All the best.

That is true, they are very adaptable and have tried different styles. 🙂

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His wife Jasmin 😍 😍

She's a beauty woman.

Tus posts son bitácoras personales impresos de historia y vivencias personales, además rindes tributo a grandes estrellas de la música.

Gracias por compartir este contenido en Music.

Saludos :)

Muchas gracias por tu amable comentario @eugelys, compartir este contenido es valioso para mí, y a la vez gratificante, me alegro que también sea agradable para tí y la comunidad Music. Que tengas un bonito día. Saludos.

nice, I like your vinyl share! Good idea, lol!!!

I was a bit smitten with Nick Taylor when I was a lass

They did some great stuff :)

I have not heard of any of these and wow.

I miss the days when music videos were art. Stories told through music and visuals...

The 80s were great with that and we used to watch top of the pops and then MTV for hours

These are some beautiful, soulful tracks

A great post and really special to go through ❤️

Hi @nickydee! Thank you for reading and commenting. I'm glad you like my post. Well, I think all the girls at some point liked someone from the Duran Duran group, hahahaha.

And I think the same as you, the 80s were great, genuine, true and quality music was made, everything was great, it shone and it was beautiful. A big hello. Be fine.

Hello @sirenahippie, what can i do about my posts in your community. After you put forward the two statements, I'm a little bit busy. Indeed it was my fault for being late in answering your question, but it's good if you will understand with someone what else I'm still a beginner in this hive platform.

And one more to know my introductory post. You mention there why I use spanish, The first I used the language because I really wanted to learn my favorite language, I think there's nothing wrong with that. Because I'm not a bot here

If you want you can find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jmaliya_/?hl=id

Sorry for commenting In on posts you that have nothing to do with the eating community, Maybe this way can help me

Please give me another social network, because this account does not really have much content

Actually I am rarely active in other media, I used to have Facebook but now I have closed it as well as Twitter but if it is very important then I will open it return.

I also have a brother on this hive platform

Please give me those other two accounts you say you have, the facebook one and the twitter one.

And you can write in your silenced posts, you just have to name me there, so I can see.

A person who has 601 followers on an Instagram account in which only posted 3 times, must have other social networks, and not just Hive.

Is that one of the rules in playing this hive platform. If it's one of the rules then I'll follow it

Oh wow, Duran Duran. One of my best friends was infatuated with them. Like you, I would listen more to rock and really liked Power Station (which, of course, had Duran Duran members in it).

Great choices!

How cool to see you visit my post! It's an honor, thank you @wwwiebe.

Hahahaha, we fell in love with Duran Duran a lot, the music they made was great. And regarding Power Station, they sounded very good, I really liked "Get it on" from them.


 2 years ago  

Duran Duran, a serious blast from the past. I would be only slightly familar with them, as I was not into them really, nor were any family or friends, but I know they were very popular. I do know though that any records that I got when I was young were expensive, so every one I bought I kept listening to until I grew to love it, there was the odd exception of course :)

Hahahahahaha, as they say in my country, "between tastes and colors, authors have not written", and yes, there are songs that I like less, but in general it was a group that I used to listen to. Thanks for stopping by to visit me, a hug.