
I really loved that Japanese artists have a special and unique touch to create ballads or music with a super harmonious atmosphere, they all remind me of some super dramatic or beautiful scene full of colours and lights. You reminded me of two songs that I loved a lot from Japanese artists that I don't follow them but just because of the way they were performed I loved them, I want to leave them with you to see what you think.

Imase I did this song and it was really like filling my life with so many colours and that spirit of being romantic.

A song that is really invading my tiktok right now that at first I just thought it was funny and then I loved it to a point of tenderness that I loved it.

Japan will always surprise me that's 100% sure

The first song is quite famous and pretty popular song used in tiktok videos if im not mistaken. Second song is Korean not Japanese by the way :P.

I'm glad that you like Japanese artists :D they are nice especially some anime songs hehe

Just a moment ago I was entering for the first time in this community about music and I came across your publication and your playlist, and although I must admit that I have listened to very little Japanese music, I loved these that you bring us, especially the last one that is more similar to the romantic and nostalgic pop genres that I usually listen to.

I've never perceived Japanese language so musical before, they sound super good..😃

aye welcome to music community! You should also share 3 songs every Tuesday!

You should listen to more Japanese songs now :P. There are a lot of nice pop and rock ones. I'm glad you liked the songs! I see your favorite is also the last one haha.

Ya I listen to many asian music like japanese, korean , thai, vietnamese, chinese @_@ and of course english songs. I have listend to some spanish songs too but not as much

Well yes, I have entered as a voyeur, Reviewing, to see if I could find something interesting and here was your post with Asian music that immediately caught my attention because it is the closest thing to Korean music that I love.. in fact, I already have the titles for next Tuesday bring my proposals....

I also consume a lot of music in English, and some in Spanish, my language of course, but I'm not so versatile in other musical languages, we'll see through your proposals.JaJaJa.

And Thanks to you for the inspiration.


hey awesome. see you next Tuesday then :D.

My English music is mostly like old school :P not aware of what the trend is nowadays haha. I'm like linkin park, westlife,avril, kind of oldschool english music

For some reason I feel nostalgic. I didn't know ロクデナシ, but I love it. Thanks for sharing.

wait what kyo! you didn't know her. I thought she was famous in Japan?

I don't know what the music trend is. I looked them up and they are famous.

o.o do you at least know one ok rock? :P

Wow it feels good listen to songs I would never have come across on my own, thank you for sharing.

that's awesome. Glad you like the songs and you're welcome! Hope you having a good day now :D

Nice, It's relaxing and calming Rokudenashi music u mention. Might as well recommend Hai Yorokonde I thot this music is old considering the video animation lol

o.o send me some youtube links man

I thot dis is an old music video I saw in tiktok


ooo is that your playlist lol