ESP/ING Te equivocaste - Yuridia (cover) by @romipao

in Music3 years ago


Linda noche, mi bella comunidad. Como ya es costumbre, hoy les traigo mi cover de "Te equivocaste" de Yuridia. Al escuchar ésta linda canción, te das cuenta de que deja un excelente mensaje para aquellas personas que han tenido una ruptura amorosa, sin embargo, refleja lo que es superarse después de haber pasado por ésta. Es importante creer en ti mismo, avanzar y dejar los malos momentos en el pasado. Superarse es la clave. Espero que les guste, recuerden que los quiero muchísimo. Dios me los bendiga siempre, les mando un besote. Nos vemos nuevamente por acá🥰❤
Nice night, my beautiful community. As is customary, today I bring you my cover of "You wrong" by Yuridia. When listening to this beautiful song, you realize that it leaves an excellent message for those people who have had a love breakup, however, it reflects what it is to overcome after having gone through it. It is important to believe in yourself, move forward and leave the bad times in the past. Surpassing yourself is the key. I hope you like it, remember that I love you very much. God bless you always, I send you a kiss. See you again here🥰❤


Habíamos acordado que no ibas a regresar
Otra promesa más que no supiste respetar

Pero qué bueno que viniste
Ese día que te fuiste me quedé
Con ganas de expresar mis sentimientos
Decirte lo que pienso, por ejemplo que...

Te equivocaste
Te reíste cuando hablamos de extrañarme
Te quisiste hacer como siempre el importante
Tu estrategia infalible pisoteé

Te equivocaste
Pensaste que yo siempre iba a necesitarte
Pues resulta que nadie es indispensable
Y planeabas regresar como si nada, con tu cara de perdón

Qué bueno que volviste...
Tenía muchas ganas de decirte, ¡qué no!

Estás acostumbrado a lastimar sin intención
A jugar con las palabras, las personas y el amor

Te equivocaste
Te reíste cuando hablamos de extrañarme
Te quisiste hacer como siempre el importante
Tu estrategia infalible pisoteé

Pero qué bueno que viniste
Ese día que te fuiste me quedé
Con ganas de expresar mis sentimientos
Decirte lo que pienso, por ejemplo que...

Te equivocaste
Te reíste cuando hablamos de extrañarme
Te quisiste hacer como siempre el importante
Tu estrategia infalible pisoteé

Te equivocaste
Pensaste que siempre iba a necesitarte
Pues resulta que nadie es indispensable
Y planeabas regresar como si nada, con tu cara de perdón

Qué bueno que volviste
Tenía muchas ganas de decirte, ¡qué no!


We had agreed that you were not going to return
Another promise that you did not know how to respect
But how good that you came
That day that you left I stayed
Wanting to express my feelings
Tell you what I think, for example that ...
You were wrong
You laughed when we talked about missing me
You wanted to do the important thing as always
Your infallible strategy I trampled
You were wrong
You thought that I was always going to need you
Well it turns out that nobody is indispensable
And you planned to return as if nothing, with your forgiving face
Is good you returned...
I really wanted to tell you, what not!
You're used to hurting unintentionally
To play with words, people and love
You were wrong
You laughed when we talked about missing me
You wanted to do the important thing as always
Your infallible strategy I trampled
But how good that you came
That day that you left I stayed
Wanting to express my feelings
Tell you what I think, for example that ...
You were wrong
You laughed when we talked about missing me
You wanted to do the important thing as always
Your infallible strategy I trampled
You were wrong
You thought that I was always going to need you
Well it turns out that nobody is indispensable
And you planned to return as if nothing, with your forgiving face
Is good you returned
I really wanted to tell you, what not!

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