ESP/ING Lo sabe Dios🌟 - Karol G (cover) by @romipao

in Music3 years ago


Muy buenas tardes, mi bella comunidad. Para éste día les traigo mi versión de "Lo Sabe Dios" de Karol G. Escogí ésta canción porque me gusta su letra y me recuerda mucho a un amigo. La canción la cantó Karol con todo el sentimiento del mundo. Espero que les guste, nos vemos nuevamente por acá. Que Dios me los bendiga siempre, les mando un abrazo desde la distancia❤.
Good afternoon, my beautiful community. For this day I bring you my version of "Lo Sabe Dios" by Karol G. I chose this song because I like its lyrics and it reminds me a lot of a friend. Karol sang the song with all the feeling in the world. I hope you like it, see you again here. May God bless you always, I send you a hug from a distance ❤.


No se que pasó
No se si se acabó el amor
Hoy puedo decir que nunca lo sintió
Lo que me costó entender
Eso solo lo sabe Dios
No se que pasó
No se si se acabó el amor
Hoy puedo decir que nunca le importó
Lo que me costó entender
Eso solo lo sabe Dios

Le entregué más y más de mi
Y cada palabra falsa le creí
Porque mi única intención era que fuera feliz mucho mas que yo
Y que esto fuera único en el mundo
Porque tenerlo cerca era mi mundo
Pero no le importó dañar mi corazón y hoy me cuesta mirarlo
Lealtad había de sobra
El sabía que yo era su sombra
Pero tarde entendí que su amor no es amor y hoy no quiero mirarlo

No se que pasó
No se si se acabó el amor
Hoy puedo decir que nunca lo sintió
Lo que me costó entender
Eso solo lo sabe Dios
No se que pasó
No se si se acabó el amor
Hoy puedo decir que nunca le importó
Lo que me costó entender
Eso solo lo sabe Dios

La sonrisas ya se han borrado
El recuerdo cuando parecías feliz a mi lado
Ok, me engañaron tus mentiras cuando
Me mirabas a la cara y me decías mía

Estaba ciego mi corazón
Pensaba que yo era su amor
Pero me equivoqué y lo entendí
Porque el se equivocó y me falló
Y que esto fuera único en el mundo
Porque tenerlo cerca era mi mundo
Pero no le importó dañar mi corazón y hoy me cuesta mirarlo

No se que pasó
Hoy me cuesta mirarlo
Dañó mi corazón y mi mundo
Y hoy no quiero mirarlo
No se que pasó
Nunca le importó, no no no
Esto solo lo sabe Dios


I do not know what happened
I don't know if love is over
Today I can say that she never felt it
What it cost me to understand
That only God knows
I do not know what happened
I don't know if love is over
Today I can say that he never cared
What it cost me to understand
That only God knows
I gave him more and more of me
And every false word I believed
Because my only intention was that he be happy much more than me
And that this was unique in the world
Because having him close was my world
But he didn't mind damaging my heart and today it's hard for me to look at him
Loyalty had plenty
He knew that I was his shadow
But later I understood that his love is not love and today I don't want to look at him
I do not know what happened
I don't know if love is over
Today I can say that he never felt it
What it cost me to understand
That only God knows
I do not know what happened
I don't know if love is over
Today I can say that he never cared
What it cost me to understand
That only God knows
The smiles have already been erased
The memory when you seemed happy by my side
Ok, I was deceived by your lies when
You looked me in the face and told me mine
my heart was blind
I thought I was your love
But I was wrong and I understood
Because he was wrong and he failed me
And that this was unique in the world
Because having him close was my world
But he didn't mind damaging my heart and today it's hard for me to look at him
I do not know what happened
It's hard for me to look at it today
damaged my heart and my world
And today I don't want to look at it
I do not know what happened
He never cared, no no no
This only God knows

—Pngtree—concert background_2992567 (1).png
