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RE: Sad Sunday With Movie Soundtracks

in Music4 years ago (edited)

Great thank you, in war and most elsewhere music is also used as a tool.
So, now why did you get me mixed up Gaby?
Knocking on Heavens Door was Dylan and I think that "Slow Hand" Clapton also had a go at it.
Stairway to Heaven is definitely the song that I meant and I have a large framed picture of Stairway to Heaven hanging on our dining room wall. I will take a picture of it to show you tomorrow when the light is good.


Stairway to Heaven is definitely the song that I meant and I have a large framed picture of Stairway to Heaven hanging on our dining room wall.

Ok, then we make a deal 😁

If I learn (one day, I don't know when, too many pending things already 🤦🏻‍♀️😂) to play that song, then I will ask for the photo of that framed picture and put it into the post 😇 with special mention 😁

You certainly make great deals Gaby.
Are you a teacher by any chance?

By chance? 😂

Spot on 👌

Hahaha, spooky how I can feel these things.

Marian and I are both degreed theologians, but we are also both qualified TEFL teachers and we have a string of other qualifications between us.

Which is all only worthless paper, as we both work full time in charity and she lectures 300 students every quarter online to keep us going financially.

Such are the lives that we lead!

Sorry for my so late reply...🙏

I wanted to take time to respond you calmly, and not in hurry.
To continue now with believe it or not thing... after finishing the University I wanted to study theology! My parents were not so delighted with my idea..

she lectures 300 students every quarter online to keep us going financially.

Wow, that is great!! Although online teaching is not always easy, it takes a lot of energy and concentration. But great she can do it for living!

Never too late to study anything my dear friend Gaby and music is a great alternative though.

Yes, I have only the Bth, but Marian has her honors and she is busy with her masters. Her lecturing takes a lot of time, so she is doing the masters slowly and who knows, she might do her doctor's in later years. I keep on motivating her.


Wow 👀, doctor's?? Great....

I started my Masters when I already had my baby and it was very difficult to practice for several hours + child + I left that

Keep motivating her, girls rule hehehe 💖😊

I will take a picture of it to show you tomorrow when the light is good.

Or this. You post here the photo one day, so I have day...the music from my piano will accompany it :)

I don't know where the answer to this one went and maybe I forgot to click the "reply" button that happens to me very often 🤣

In any case , you have a deal Lady Gaby and all of the best to you and your family.
I have to knock off in any case
Blessings and strength for the new week.