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RE: The date

in Music2 years ago

That date story in the museum was really nice. It was simple, unique, and can definitely be a lasting memory for both of you. Dating now is so much different. It is difficult to meet someone new outside of apps, or through connections/friends. Everyone is so busy and focused on a lot of things that small talk with random people are so rare and even frowned upon by others.

Finding people from apps becomes so superficial. Attraction is important in a relationship, but since there are already a lot of profiles to choose from, 'OK' gets easily passed on. Finding someone with similar passions also becomes too specific. It's mostly travel, food, music, and sports, but 'boring' and occasional hobbies like gardening, knitting, pottery, or taking care of fish get pushed to the side. People that do these uncommon hobbies will find it difficult to find others that share the same passion. But adding them in their profiles can also hinder a lot of potential partners. What I'm trying to get at, is that dating and finding a partner now is so complex.


It makes me wonder how many amazing people are passed over when people look at their image on an app and swipe away from them based on that snippet of visual appearance; I'd say many people.

People look for the wrong thing, and in a world that is incredibly fake, the wrong thing is easy to find.

I think also, that people don't have much patience these days and will pass over, or discard a person that isn't quite aligned with their agenda or timeframe situation. For this reason many connections that could have been lasting and incredibly beautiful and rewarding simply fail, or just don't happen. Sad really.

You're right though, it's complex; I guess I simplify things for that reason, and always look deeper than the physical...of course, it's the physical that often first attracts. An interesting topic I think.

Thanks for commenting.