Hello dear Hivers! I had planned a long musical break after the huge amount of work with the debut album ("The uncanny valley") of my one-man-army / music project "DISCO ROBOTICS" and thought about maybe only a B-sides release, if any.
But first of all I didn‘t have enough output for a decent runtime of a „D-Sides“ and also the very first track I started just for fun and play, turned out to be a real banger (imho). So... yada yada yada - Here we are! My new and second album after half a year is ready to explode in our ears.
As an poor unsigned newcomer-artist, courageous enough to have his own musical style I really hope you enjoy this summer-release and at some point even dance to it naked (alone or with friends). You can find more songs and multimedia stuff on our new website „www.alienaudio.de“.
Thank you for every single listen, feedback or even suppoort by buying my record on Bandcamp.

Here is my full profile with all my releases on Bandcamp: https://discorobotics.bandcamp.com/