Your style reminds of the happy feeling one gets when you find a cool, off the radar bar/restaurant that was recommended by a local while on vacation,. The food is excellent. The libations are perfect. Just when you think it can't get any better you hear live music. One guy singing and playing the guitar. You know the lyrics but can't quite remember the original version because you like this rendition so much better! That is what you did here!
"Deadpool" movies feature some fantastic music tracks and I enjoyed the unique movies for whatever reasons.
Gorgeous scenery and
a handsome dog model!
Strumble on!
Don't forget about the kitty cat, she is going to be jealous!
Hahaha and this isn't my favorite part of the comment yet, but that was so funny because if we could compare my career to something this is it, you nailed it, I want to keep that cool off the radar restaurant vibe, but would still spread the words for the cool people you know.
This is my favorite part 😄 Though in all honesty I also couldn't remember the lyrics while singing, so it might explain why it's different from the original version lol.
MTV had some good years at first! Before it went terrible...
Thanks for your awesome comment, with the emojis at the end and all!
strumbling since 1984