"El Condor Pasa"..."Flight of the Condor - Flight of the Soul" [eng/rus]

in Music4 years ago (edited)

This post is inspired by the Christmas videos of great musicians, proffi and amateurs in our music community. It has been a long time since I received such a charge of good mood, which is especially important in our difficult time, when we are standing on the edge of the abyss and are a little scared and confused ... Special thanks to the guys from Latin America. For all your reckless gaiety, you can see the difficult life of people who managed to keep the "joy of life" in spite of everything ... Thank you))

How can you thank? I am not a musician, I am a "functionary", a producer, I learned to play the guitar during my military service 35 years ago. Even at one time he performed on stage with various amateur groups ... But alas, God did not give talent, there is nothing you can do about it. When you play not with your soul, but with your "fingers", you take chords by heart, maybe even sometimes improvisesomeone thinks he is a guitarist .. But, seeing and hearing how those who have a "guitar in their heart" play, you understand that you can never play like that ... It's a shame, but you can live with it))

Well, I'm also a bit of a blogger, because I have the option to do something nice by writing something ... So I'll try ...

Perhaps this post will be one hundred million on the Internet, dedicated to brilliant creation of Daniel Robles. Well, what to do if this melody falls on the soul of any person who feels Music ...

I think that the overwhelming majority of those who learned to play the guitar more or less tolerably learned this melody one of the first, due to its simplicity, it is perfectly mastered by beginners and its solo sounds even on one string (and here everyone had a choice on which exactly, based on my musical preferences)) Personally, I liked the 5th C (H) better ..

Then came the mastery of rhythm guitar, with a gradual complication of the sound, then brute force, and in the end - all together, from "all my heart", using various variations, since the seeming simplicity of the melody gave unlimited possibilities for this ... For me personally, there is only one melody with a similar inexhaustible arsenal for arrangement - "House of the Rising Sun".

How many variants of this melody have I heard ... Do not count. Of course, Simon and Garfunkel are beyond competition, especially in their performance I heard this melody for the first time 50 years ago. And that's it, I fell in love forever. I think my foreign friends will be interested in the version from "the best guitar in Russia" Viktor Zinchuk. I, while not yet familiar with him, heard his version about 30 years ago ... And it was after this that I "covered my guitar"))

Although among my friends, rockers, professional guitarists, the attitude to this performance and, in general, to Zinchuk is ambiguous, they say everything is too academic, "there is not enough soul" (that is, "rock" and improvisation ")

But I like it, and I listen to Vitya with great pleasure, which is what I wish for the rest ..

Well, here's a concert performance. Это я к тому, что совсем Виктор "не академичный")) Ну , сами увидите ...

Be kind !


"El Condor Pasa" - "Полет Души"

Данный пост навеян рождественскими роликами великолепных музыкантов, проффи и любителей, участников нашего музыкального сообщества. Давно я не получал такой заряд хорошего настроения, что особенно важно в наше непростое время, когда мы стоим на краю бездны, слегка напуганы и растеряны...Особая благодарность ребятам из Латинской Америки. За всей вашей бесшабашной веселостью видна непростая жизнь людей, сумевших сохранить "радость жизни " несмотря ни на что...Спасибо ))

Чем тут можно отблагодарить ? Я не музыкант, я "функционер", продюсер, на гитаре научился играть ещё во время срочной службы в армии лет 35 так назад. Даже одно время выступал на сцене с разными самодеятелныи коллективами...Но увы, бог не дал таланта, тут ничего не поделаешь. Когда ты играешь не душой, а "пальцами", заученно берешь аккорды, может даже порой импровизируешь, кому то кажется , что он -гитарист )).Но, видя и слыша, как играют те, у кого "гитара в сердце", понимаешь, что ты так играть не сможешь никогда...Это обидно, но с этим можно жить))

Ну ещё я немного блоггер, потому у меня есть вариант сделать приятное, написав что то...Вот и попробую...

Наверное это пост будет стомиллионным в интернете, посвященный гениальному творению Даниэля Роблеса. Ну а что делать, если эта мелодия ложится на душу любому человеку, чувствующему Музыку...

Я думаю, подавляющее большинство из тех, кто научился более-менее сносно играть на гитаре, эту мелодию разучивали одной из первых, благодаря своей простоте она прекрасно осваивается новичками и соло её звучит даже на одной струне (причем тут у всех был выбор, на какой именно, исходя из своих музыкальных предпочтений )) Лично мне больше нравилось на 5-й Си (H)..

Потом шло освоение ритм-гитары, с постепенным усложением звучания, затем перебором, ну и в итоге - все вместе, от "всей души" , используя различные вариации, благо кажущаяся простота мелодии давала для этого неограниченные возможности...Лично для меня есть только одна мелодия с подобным неисчерпаемым арсеналом для оранжировки - "Дом восходящего солнца".

Сколько я слышал вариантов этой мелодии ...Не сочитать. Разумеется, вне конкуренции Саймон и Гарфанкель, тем более в их исполнении я эту мелодию и услышал впервые лет 50 назад. И всё, влюбился навсегда.

Думаю моим друзьям зарубежным будет интересна версия от "лучшей гитары России" Виктора Зинчука. Его исполнение я, тогда ещё не будучи с ним знаком, услышал лет 30 назад...И именно после этого я "зачехлил свою гитару" ))

Хотя среди моей друзей -рокеров, проффи-гитаристов, отношение к данному исполнению и в целом к Зинчуку неоднозначное, мол слишком всё академично, "мало души" ( то есть "рока" и импровизации")...

А мне нравиться, и слушаю я Витю с большим удовольствием, чего и остальным желаю ...

Быть добру !

 4 years ago  

This is a very touching message! Thank you. The joy you speak about has much to do with the spirit of the Caribbean and the african roots. Sometimes even the sadness can be danced... But we're more for the happiness and we look all the time to override the troubles...

Но, сменив тему, ты не зашёл на мой сайт, http://ylich.ru/ ?

Yo mismo soy minimalista por naturaleza, sé disfrutar de las cosas simples, no necesito mucho para la felicidad, no es de dinero ... Entonces, entiendo por qué, por ejemplo, los cubanos, viviendo en la pobreza, están llenos de "alegría de vivir". Porque son "gratis"

Sitio? Me lo perdí, iré ahora))

Oh, cómo ...)) Y cantas perfectamente en ruso ... Sí, y un fanático del fútbol (aunque en Sudamérica no es un "fanático del fútbol")) me considero un "fanático con experiencia" y "expertos en fútbol")) Intentaré desarrollar este tema de alguna manera, el fútbol y la música son cercanos en esencia

No es de extrañar que uno de los directores más "musicales", Emir Kusturica, hiciera el mejor documental sobre Maradonna (Reino de los Cielos))

Por cierto, ¿tienes un apodo interesante ILICH, cuáles son las raíces yugoslavas?

Vi el video "Entry" en YouTube, precioso)) Pero de todos modos, ILICH no es un nombre ruso, a pesar de que eres "El Ruso", así que me preguntaba dónde estaban las raíces de este apodo ... ¿Quizás Ilyich originalmente? ¿En honor a Lenin? Sería comprensible, Venezuela es un país revolucionario (aunque, como historiador, no me gusta la revolución, prefiero la Evolución)

 4 years ago  

Ylich no es mi apodo, es mi nombre real. Aunque en ruso es un patronímico (отчество), mi padre no lo sabía y por eso me llamó así, en homenaje a dos rusos Tchaikovski y Lenin. Viniendo de ellos el nombre, en ruso debería escribirlo Ильич, que tiene la pronunciación Ilyich, pero como en español no tenemos una pronunciación así (y en mi caso se escribe Ylich), decidí escribirlo en ruso sin el мягкий знак: Илич, que se parece más a la pronunciación en español. Cuando vivía en Rusia lo escribía igual que el patronímico.

Bueno, así es como lo conseguí ))

En cuanto al apodo, simplemente asumí, porque el apodo en sí es NIKALAICH, aunque el patronímico Nikolaevich, por supuesto, Igor Nikolaevich ... Pero desde unos veinte años la gente a mi alrededor me llama Nikalaich, y se convirtió en un hábito, es más conveniente

Sucede aún más fresco, por ejemplo, en Costa Rica hay un futbolista Yeltsin Takheda)) Por cierto, estuve en contacto con Boris Yeltsin, incluso en uno de los mítines a finales de los 80 le brindé su protección ... De alguna manera Publicaré una publicación al respecto

The Russian Community @russiancommunity has approved this post as quality content. Keep working in the same spirit. Have a nice day. Русское Сообщество @russiancommunity одобрило этот пост, как качественный контент. Продолжайте работать в том же духе. Хорошего дня.

A beautiful message you shared with us, sir!

HIVE without music would be, no HIVE. And indeed, the Spanish community is putting their mark and as you said already, though these people are suffering due to the economic situations in their own country, we see a lot of happiness flowing into our community.

Nothing wrong with not being gifted to be the best ever musician. You picked up the guitar. You had the experience of playing on stage. And you blog about music! How cool is that!? Without fans, the artists would not have a platform to work with. So you (and I and all the other music fans) make the world happening for all musicians and artists around the world.

BTW, did you ever share some own guitar recording with us? When not, why not try to do so?

Once on New Year's, and in 1990, when all of Russia was in despondency, the crisis, in Yekaterinburg on the Main Christmas tree, the will of the mayor's office was dreary, poor ... The people went confused, unhappy ... Moscow, a student company came to the Christmas tree ... Well, with my friend, now a local oligarch, the owner of the largest event agency in Yekaterinburg, we climbed onto the post of the Main Christmas tree and gave a concert in two guitars)) For more than an hour we sang the most popular song at that time , a lot of people pulled up, the whole thousandth crowd sang along with us, and everyone strove to treat us with the alcohol they brought ... Even the local police stood aside and danced ... )) Therefore, what our friends in the Music community are doing is close to me, I love such people who give joy)) And play yourself? No, I realized that this was not mine, although I played with "rock legends", under alcohol, of course ... But I preferred to sing, and, having a good voice, sometimes even soloed in the combined choir of "stars Russian rock "(I will also post later)) Well I described the problem of freedom .. I need a good drink first, then I relax and stop "playing scales", keep track of where and how I put my fingers .. And in the company of such maestros, as in our community gathered, so and generally ashamed to show something))

That event back in the 90s must have been such a cool place to have been at! Celibrations where everyone gives and joins are such amazing happenings.

Maybe the combination? You sing and play the guitar; The singing somewhat loud and the guitar mixed down in volume so it not really easy to hear? 🤪 Or go with your voice in collab with the instrumenalists? That would be nice! :) @ylich done that not to long ago.

Looking forward to your next one 🙃

Well, we do this at every session, several times a year we get together in a club with our fellow Kenrollers, fellow students "new friends from social networks" and arrange parties "in the style of rock")) Later I will also post a video and tell you about our sessions ... I don't need to look for an accompaniment, my friends are cool musicians)) But why am I needed in the community when there are people like Ilic ... It's like having a swim with Phelps or a race with Bolt))

But why am I needed in the community when there are people like Ilic ... It's like having a swim with Phelps or a race with Bolt))

Noooo, you are mistaken! You may underestimate yourself a lot! That said, in my opinion, HIVE is first of all about having fun. It's not about who can sing or play the guitar best. To my taste, much around the topic of music is anyway too serious in our community. I rather watch and listen to material people really like to create, rather then all those who think that need to upload every single day another song ar track rendering their blogs very boring.

Cool you do more of these musical sessions iwth your friends, multiple times a year! Love to read about them and am sure I'll be seeing them when you came to the point of publishing about them.

Wish you a great 2021!

Again "Lost in Translation")) I meant that the community does not need it as a musician when there are such masters as @seckorama, @ylich, ... but you can't list them all ... But I love and know how to talk about music and musicians, this is what I do) Well, I am slowly campaigning for my rock'n'roll Yekaterinburg lads to join Hive and the Music community Thank you for your congratulations .. Let it be, this 2021, for all of us .. Hurray))

Lost in Translation

Yea, thats bound to happen when we talk offline through words.

Well, I am slowly campaigning for my rock'n'roll Yekaterinburg lads to join Hive and the Music community

How cool! Hope you'll be able to convince them. Let me know if I can be of help :)

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