When "boring" turns into interesting...

in Music3 years ago (edited)

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One of the most challenging parts of the musical education of a student is the practicing time. For the professional musicians too. It is not just about the time that one has to sacrifice to have that violin or trumpet in its hands, or sit steadily and press some white and black keys.... Read the notes from the score, think, make the physical action and listen to the feedback through sound that the combination of all those actions produced. For some hours or minutes, time is passing in a different pace for each one. But not just that time spent with executing the mentioned activities are those challenging ones.

It is also about the feeling you get doing that activity. The constant repeating of a passage or a scale, or just even one bar makes the thing boring. No excitement. One finally thinks there is no sense to repeat it anymore if every time it gives the same result or even getting worse. The brain gets tired, the body gets tired, the practice time is becoming a burden.

Maybe not just burden and boring time that could be spent in another way. It becomes a frustration. The student wants to quit that (sometimes just temporarily, sometimes permanently) and do something more interesting. Play a game? Chat with friends? Take a ride with the bike or run, swim, jump, anything that can raise the level of happiness....Oh, that dopamine thing, why it has to show its power in those moments?

Why? Should we even ask that? What a silly question.... Without that chemical messenger in our brain, we would be just a kind of artificial creations with the ability to think, of course, some would develop it more, some less. Is it just that quality, the ability to think, that will make the difference in how we fulfil our time, activities and life? I need more. That small tiny thing can change the whole result of any action, and practicing an instrument too.


This morning was a bit hard to get up early. Usually, I like to sleep longer, to make up the hours I lost somewhere, some hours before I got to sleep, but even I was sleepy I was in a good mood. The excitement level rocketed after 10 minutes of my coffee intake and the same time spent on the piano. Not a real wow, but something like a feeling of satisfaction was my reaction to my own playing. Could it be possible that I am making some progress in the piece I have chosen to learn a little bit more than a week ago? Great feeling, I played again and the satisfaction was confirmed. Practicing does give results. Although, I was playing in a slow tempo, listening to the sound, focusing on the smooth but determined, repetitive actions of my fingers. It finally showed some signs of improvement. Still, many study sessions will have to be done on that piece, but I was happy. Thank you, chemistry in my head.

Do you want to hear what was that piece? Yes? It will come one day, as a response to an invitation in a #Spreadthevibes post, but for now, another piece is coming here. Something that is called study, as yes, we are talking about studying, so those forms of musical pieces were created to improve some aspects of the playing. Studies. Composers like Bach already used to write educational pieces for their children and students. There are some really boring and just drilling studies written during the history, but some composers were creating some more interesting ones. For example, Friedrich Burgmuller, who was a composer and a teacher, so he knew that more results will be achieved if the study is more interesting. I am playing here one of his works, the number 20, with the title Tarantella, from the series Melodic Studies op 100. Do you find it boring, or an interesting, melodic study?

How your practicing is going these days, fellow musicians? Do you see some progress if you are working on a project or song? How much time do you spend practicing every day?

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We feel so fortunate to see and hear such majestic notes, what a wonder, my admiration for your music. :)

Hello @musicandreview 😃

The same appreciation goes from me to your music and your time spent listening to this video! Thank you 😌

This is incredible @mipiano , Loved it 👏
You've perfectly summed up the 'ups and downs' of learning an instrument or getting better at an instrument and I was able to relate to it completely.😄
Like you mentioned, deliberate practice and consistency is the only way to get over the plateau! 🙌

Consistency and motivation, what combination would work better? :)
Thanks for listening to this video @nithwit 🙌

Friend, what a success this publication! And the words you say touch my soul. I always appreciate your support in my weekly videos, but I really feel small compared to greats like you. Precisely my main problem is always the lack of practice. But it motivates me week by week. My family motivates me, Hive motivates me. I think I am growing little by little, but I will try to move faster. Thanks for this reminder, but you are perfect for me, hehe ... Greetings from Caracas!

¡Amiga que éxito esta publicación! Y las palabras que dices me llegan al alma. Siempre agradezco tu apoyo en mis videos semanales, pero realmente me siento pequeño en comparación a grandes como tu. Precisamente mi problema principal siempre es la falta de práctica. Pero me motivo semana a semana. Mi familia me motiva, Hive me motiva. Creo que voy creciendo poco a poco, pero trataré de avanzar más rápido. Gracias por este recordatorio, pero tu si que estás perfecta para mi, jeje... ¡Saludos desde Caracas!.

Oh, far away from being perfect, however, we do need to work towards perfection. Sounds contradictory, but it is how we have to practice, trying to achieve it although knowing that the final result could be always improved, so no perfection hehehe.

It is great that your family motivates you, the first and most important support! It is difficult to achieve something if that link is missing! You are doing great, but if you put more study, more satisfied you will be @jesuslnrs

Greetings :)

Hello friend I wanted to open the video to see it but an error appears, I could not see it, tomorrow I will try to see it to see if I am lucky that the reproduction advances, I really liked the didactic content, it is interesting what you do, but I need to listen to it, greetings and success friend

Hey thanks for stopping bu @betzaelcorvo . The weight of the post had to be the written part, the video is just me playing a study hehehhe :) But if you want, try again tomorrow, I will not mind :D

What frontend do you use? I use PeakD and I see the video.

I know how you feel fellow musician BroTiano! I slip in and out of music production like you describe. Right now, I'm very happy to listen to other tunes and DJ mixes and it's bringing me back to some good feelings and sharing my own take on the tunes.

As for getting distracted during a practice session, I know that all too well. The mind wanders and needs to be kept active doing other things - you have to really love it and get sucked in to the moment of the practice session so it doesn't feel like work!

Welcome back Nickey Mickey space man!

you have to really love it and get sucked in to the moment of the practice session so it doesn't feel like work!

Agree! That is what we know now, with so many years of studying behind us, but sometimes I do feel "lazy" to practice what I have to, although I love it of course. Anyway, discipline should help :D
With children it is more difficult, as they think practicing will be like instant and already good playing.. the process is somehow different, so when they realize that, it is challenging to get them study.

It was so good to find out this morning that I did some progress, hence this post came. However, I don't know, maybe it was just because of the coffee :D

Hahaha, whatever it was, coffee or something else (😁), glad it inspired you a little bit!

I'm not a musician, but the way you've described the "tedious" hours practicing to get only a fraction better at what you do, sounded like the technical training in ballet.

I don't know if these two could be compared, but I've indeed seen many dancers coming and going during my dance journey, because they only wanted to dance and didn't just want to focus on technique. I could understand that, but for me technique was as important and that's why I stayed as long as I did. For me it was as satisfactory to see myself grow and get better as a dancer and only wanted to get better and better.

Some 20+ years I ago I did have musical lessons, but really felt like a fish out of water 🙈. I read notes and passed some examination moments, but I really didn't know how what I did 😅. I remember the examiner sitting next to me with eyes closed listening to me playing and I didn't know what I was doing, but I did pass, barely I think 🙈.

Oh, I have to start to respond first to your last paragraph! It was too funny the part with the examiner with eyes closed. But I think it was not a so respectful sing from him/her. I am teaching but I never do that, even if the student does not very well hehehe. I just have too much understanding, I think. But who knows, after some more decades of teaching how my reactions will look like :) I will let you know then :D

Dancing and music lessons, I suppose that a lot of similar things we can find. The technique is an essential part of all the arts, to be able to express what you want to play/sing/dance/draw/paint... It is not that if one has a good technique is the best, no. But, without that, it is difficult to express your ideas. Like a language, right? If I don't speak your language, it is difficult we can communicate, even if I want to tell my whole life story to you, I would not be able to express it to you. Luckily, English is here, (or if not English, one common language we would have to know to communicate). So the same with arts, music, dance. A lot of study, drilling but if we know the purpose of it and see the improvement or if we have a goal to achieve and some side extra motivation, no way one can stop us.

Do you still dance? Did you do just ballet or modern too? I have some students that take dance lessons, and they started with classical, and then additionally they do modern as well.

Hahaha I know, it was a "weird" time/experience, but when I look back I didn't mind that the teacher had done that. I didn't even know the examiner; I mean I knew his face, but he wasn't my teacher. I did pass the test🤷🏽‍♀️.

Yeah, I thought that technique is important with all the arts and true that the best technique doesn't mean a better/the best at the craft, but it's meant to form a good base from which you can experiment further. For example you have classical ballet, from which modern (contemporary) and jazz ballet evolved. With classical ballet the feet and legs are focused on being "turned out", while in modern dance the feet are more paralleled aligned. I also thought good technique to be important aesthetic wise. And so true about arts connecting people and telling stories. For example, I saw this post from @mundomanaure where I didn't understand the language, but I felt the vibe and message they delivered.

I only dance at home at the moment🙈 since last year. We tried training online, but it wasn't for me. I started with classical ballet and along the way got training in modern and jazz and other dance styles. With that good basis it's been easier for me to pick up other styles.

Online music lessons or dance lessons are a bit difficult. It can be done, but it is different, so I understand.. Yes, classical as the basis so other styles come more easier as well. And I checked the post you shared, oh how cool 😎 !! Thanks 👌

My pleasure and enjoy the weekend 😊.

You too 😇💃

It's an interesting study. I like Tarantellas, they are the ancestor of some parts of our joropos in this side of the country. It certainly helps to have something interesting to achieve. That's why when I look for studies, I tend to go for those that are related to skills I'm still missing. That's how I can manage with boring things. Somethings I watch someone playing something that sounds cool and it is a study with a big sense of rhythm of musicality, then I go for it and learn it. Get it as a part of my practice to dissect. Deconstructing stuff works even better for my mood.

About progress in my studies, I think I can listen to more legato when I play than before. That's an improvement. There's also a better sound. I'm not even close to done with basic mandolin techniques, but I'm onto something here. For the first time in my life, I'm working a repertoire of pieces I like. About time, I tend to work in short periods to prevent boredom, but the instruments are always near for those times when the crave for playing kicks in.

Tarantella are interesting, indeed. The fast tempo, the energy you have to give into it makes them "desirable" to study and perform afterwards. Hence, so many studies in tarantella form, at least I came across many.

Hm, yes, listening to the others can help us build a repertoire as we can hear already if we are going to like it be motivated to study it. Sometimes it is backwards, I choose something and then listen to other performances, to hear the different approaches, or what I am missing still, or to hear the style the biggest ones perform a piece. Although, they can do whatever they want, so it doesn't count :D

I am happy you are making progress too. Legato, a big work is needed to achieve it on the piano also, as the instrument itself is the combination of percussion, keyboard and string... Oh, and I am happy for you that you are choosing works to play you like! More motivation for sure :)

I was working on a Tarantella. I should get it into Venezuelan Danza setting. It could be nice.

What I like about listening to others is the kind of exercises they do. Some are pretty interesting and sound cool. So copy them in that regard seems nice if you know what is the purpose of the exercise. About studies, I have never gotten into study territory with mandolin. Actually, what people use for studies are violin things. Very difficult to perform sometimes in an instrument that has 1 speed against a bow instrument that has like all the figures in one bow sweep.

Legato, a big work is needed to achieve it on the piano also, as the instrument itself is the combination of percussion, keyboard and string...

I bet it is. But I also wonder it has to be the same thing as with all instruments. I mean not getting your fingers off the notes for the duration and until you hit another key. Or something similar.

But I also wonder it has to be the same thing as with all instruments

I think that the bowed string instruments have a bit of advantage with the legato, and the wind instruments too (I think). After I played a key on the piano, I can not change afterwards the intensity of the note (neither you in mandolin) but they can (did it sound like a rant? ;D )

It sounds like a thorough comment of the limitation of instruments. Bowed instruments require a lot of technique to use the bow properly. I played Double Bass for a time and understand a bit of it. For winds, well, the placement or shape of the lips to blow air is a lot of the way of making sound. Once, a friend taught a scale on the Oboe, another taught me some flute things and the placement of lips to do those things were totally different. Also the pressure you need to apply. Ha, ha, ha. There's a lot to say about it. 😅

So we are back to the technique, and practicing! Btw, what we are doing here?? :D We should go and study our scores.... (hey, I will have one performance with a choir somewhere in June, I got the score but I have not started to study it... and it is not easy 😬 First rehearsal next Friday 🤐

All roads lead to Rome. We can't escape technique. Ha, ha, ha. Hey, I need a to see a video of that! Well, you should be checking it out.

I should be working out, but my wrists are in pain from a lot of woodwork and study. So I'm resting this day off.

Wao no dejo de sorprenderme e inspirarme con tu talento. Eres increible, un abrazo. espero algun dia podamos hacer algo online juntos. Felicidades

Gracias Manu , me alegro que te pueda servir de inspiracion e igualmente, tus interpretaciones pueden tomarse como ejemplo de seguir... como ya sabes que siempre digo, llenas de positivismo y vibra :)

Gracas por pasar y escuchar este estudio!

Gracias a ti por compartirnos tu exelencia

Hermoso!!! me encantó, lo haces genial. 👏👏
A mi me pasa lo mismo con mis practicas, practico una canción una y otra vez y me frustro porque en ese momento no me sale como yo quiero y lo dejo pero al día siguiente cuando la vuelvo hacer me doy cuenta que he mejorado y que toda esa practica y frustración ha dado sus frutos. es loco pero es así 😊.
Te mando un abrazo

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Hey Nessy, qué tal estás?
Oh, sí, verdad, a veces nos enganchamos con una cosa que no sale, pero al día siguiente ya está mejor... es porque madura la cosa en nuestra mente. Tenemos que oír el concepto bien en nuestro interior (bueno no sé como sería en castellano, inner hearing) para que pueda salir por nustra voz o instrumento que tocamos. Gracias por escucharme y tomar tu tiempo, te lo agradezco! Un abrazo 🤗

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meow meow :))))