Hive Music Community || A Cover of Servire e Regnare @jesus-son [Eng/Esp]

in Music11 months ago

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Hello Hive music community, my name is @jesus-son and here I bring you an interpretation very different from what I have been doing. I changed location to Italy and recently I have been learning the Italian language. I discovered a song which so much inspired me and here I shall share it with you.

The title of the song is "Servire e Regnare" which translates in English as 'to serve and to Reign.' This is a composition that speaks volum on the teaching of our Lord Jesus on the need to be servant of all if one wishes to have a place in heaven. Thus, one has to serve on earth inorder to reign in glory in heaven. Its such a beautiful song and I wish that you derive great meaning from it as I share it with you here.

In the lyrics of the song, it is written that the propelling force to serve is Love. Indeed, we cannot serve authentically if we do not love. Thus, when we love our neighbors, we will be ready to serve Him and not feel like its a big deal. People who have ego and would become angry at others for every little thing lack love of neighbor. We need to see other people around us as we see ourselves. If we love ourselves and always want the best for ourselves, then let us see others in the same light.


Every human person is a being with dignity and should be accorded such dignity. Let's promote the love of one another. Then let's learn to serve one another even in yhe least things. He who serves, reigns in glory in heaven at the end of time. Well, this is a faith for those who believe in the after life in heaven, but then it is a thing that we actually need to believe because for me, it is the truest thing I can ever imagine in my life.

I am very glad to bring you this song and especially as I sing it in Italian. I Hope that I get better with the pronunciations and acquisition of sufficient vocabularies to communicate with the language. Thank you very much for coming around and supporting me. God bless you.


hola comunidad musical Hive, mi nombre es @jesus-son y aquí les traigo una interpretación muy diferente a lo que vengo haciendo. Cambié de ubicación a Italia y recientemente he estado aprendiendo el idioma italiano. Descubrí una canción que me inspiró mucho y aquí la compartiré con ustedes.


El título de la canción es "Servire e Regnare", que se traduce en inglés como "servir y reinar". Esta es una composición que habla mucho de la enseñanza de nuestro Señor Jesús sobre la necesidad de ser servidor de todos si uno desea tener un lugar en el cielo. Por lo tanto, uno tiene que servir en la tierra para reinar en gloria en el cielo. Es una canción tan hermosa y deseo que le des un gran significado mientras la comparto contigo aquí.

En la letra de la canción está escrito que la fuerza impulsora para servir es el Amor. De hecho, no podemos servir auténticamente si no amamos. Por lo tanto, cuando amamos a nuestro prójimo, estaremos listos para servirle y no sentir que es gran cosa. Las personas que tienen ego y se enojan con los demás por cualquier pequeña cosa carecen de amor al prójimo. Necesitamos ver a las personas que nos rodean como nos vemos a nosotros mismos. Si nos amamos a nosotros mismos y siempre queremos lo mejor para nosotros, entonces veamos a los demás bajo la misma luz.

Toda persona humana es un ser digno y se le debe conceder esa dignidad. Fomentemos el amor de unos a otros. Entonces aprendamos a servirnos unos a otros hasta en las cosas más pequeñas. El que sirve, reina en gloria en el cielo al final de los tiempos. Bueno, esta es una fe para aquellos que creen en la otra vida en el cielo, pero es algo que realmente necesitamos creer porque, para mí, es lo más verdadero que puedo imaginar en mi vida.


Estoy muy contento de traerles esta canción y especialmente porque la canto en italiano. Espero mejorar con la pronunciación y la adquisición de vocabulario suficiente para comunicarme con el idioma. Muchas gracias por venir y apoyarme. Dios lo bendiga.

▶️ 3Speak



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Genial cover amigo y que bien que cantes en italiano tiene muchísimo mérito

 11 months ago  

I was surprised by the intro which was very long, it's a bit weird in the songs.
Your reflection on serving is very accurate, I think that one way to show love is to be servants of others.

Thanks for coming around dear

I'm posting here again and it's nice to see you again, excellent job

You not only stand out with your interpretation but also with this wonderful reflection. Service is love in action and without a doubt when we are at the service of our fellow human beings we are at the service of God. I congratulate you dear friend. As always, your smile and great enthusiasm is a work of service.

I am very glad you liked this man. Thanks a lot. Have a nice day

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